Forum Discussion

bettyumu's avatar
12 years ago

Doughnut Problem!!!

There's a setting to confirm spending donuts.

5 Replies

  • There is an option to always confirm donut spend, turn it on and check that it is on after every update
  • Bettyumu wrote:
    Is anyone else fed up of having doughnuts taken off them because of a mis-tap?

    I was saving up to get a special item but carelessly tapped once too many times and had doughnuts taken to 'rush' something I really didn't want to rush.

    I know when I have zero doughnuts it says 'purchase' or 'cancel' surely they could do something like this to stop mis-tapping and losing doughnuts when you don't want to spend them I.e. Rushing the brown house....

    Yes I could be more careful but sometimes when you are in full tap mode you don't get chance to be careful.

    Is anyone else having this issue?

    There is a donut confirm spend setting!
  • Check the setting after every update. EA is sneeky and sets it back to no confirm after every update.