Forum Discussion

taoron24121's avatar
3 years ago

Problems Since the Latest Patch

It seems to never end, the problems since the patch.

Cell Phone Use: I think that's been discussed ad nauseum. My Teen is being held hostage in her room until this is either fixed, or she starves to death. Yes, this is a ransom letter.

Aging: Again, we all know.

Needs: Dropping Faster than I ever remember seeing them drop. Having to Cheat every Sim in the household, just so that they can function.

For the past few days now, any time anyone uses a stove; any stove, they catch on fire. Master Chef...catching on fire. Traits in the Home are Chef's Kitchen, Homey and Gnomes. No 'Let Everyone Die Challenge', as I am using Live In Services. Yet, my kitchen is now a Crematorium.