Forum Discussion

bendermac's avatar
12 years ago

El Chemistri Task-Animation (Video)

Cool - once they fix the harp bug maybe I'll actually get to see it :?
  • Thanks for that, bendermac! I really hope they're going to add tasks in future updates so that no building animations are wasted.
  • You only get to use it once? That's a bummer. I already miss the mini-golf animation...
  • shankly-san wrote:
    You only get to use it once? That's a bummer. I already miss the mini-golf animation...

    It's an absolute shame that it ends with the Wiggum's quest. I at least was able to see the animation a couple of times as I sent Chief Wiggum first then Ralph afterwards, then before Ralph finished I was able to send Chief Wiggum again.

    Like Bendermac I too created a small video in case I don't see the animation again.

  • Thats a shame. I wish they wont bother with making animations if they are not going to do anything else with a building except for one task. :(