Forum Discussion

AngelSpiritMuse's avatar
12 years ago

Exceedingly long loading times

yep so does mine, and it's more annoying when visiting friends, also on iphone 5
  • Mine wouldn't load at all for several hours earlier today. When I tried a few minutes ago it was slow. I also noticed the game seemed unstable, like it was going to kick me out (which it usually does after a few seconds). I haven't bothered visiting others because it will definitely kick me out.

    I'm using an iPhone 4 with a strong wifi connection. Going to try my Kindle Fire in a bit.
  • its gotta be something on EA's side. its been slow for everyone the past week.

    this is painful.
  • I had noticed one of my towns loading extremely slowly, but thought it was because of the new elements added for squid port.

    The last 2 updates seems to have fixed the disconnects every 15-20 minutes-but looks like at the expense of slow load times on the server side.
  • deomegus wrote:
    its gotta be something on EA's side. its been slow for everyone the past week.

    this is painful.
    Omg,that's my gif, lmao.
  • I've timed it now and it took 47 seconds to login, and then an additional 1 minute 5 to actually get into the game, for a total of 1 minute 52 seconds load time.

    But hey, at least I'm not seeing Bart as soon as I start up anymore.
  • __zainh17__123 wrote:
    i just timed mine and it took 1 minute 49 seconds to load. not quite 2 minutes :roll:

    ....for the millionth time... Stop exaggerating!!! ;-)
  • A lot of other games take a lot longer to load this game isn't that bad doubt it takes 15 mind to hours to load the game. If your in an IOS platform I find it always loads faster if you clear it out of the recent list. If the game is in the recent list it usually hangs a jot but loads within 2 minutes where as if I have it completely clear of the recent task list and start normally my game loads within a minute and I'm using the iPhone 5 on the 3G network so ya a bit of exaggeration from ppl I believe
  • Unfortunately it is not exaggeration. I experience the same long loading times since about a week ago (about 2 minutes, but sometimes even 3) compared to the usual 30-40 seconds. I am on an iPad4. I experience the same after killing the process, device restart and reinstall of the game also.
  • Just wanted to update: i don't know what the guys did at EA, but in the last 1,5-2 weeks it loads pretty fast. Usually I am in my Springfield again in 15-20 seconds maximum, it does not take 2-4 minutes.