Zozobras wrote:
Same here! And now we can't even choose what we want to craft either.
Likely I won't be able to craft the last two prizes, but EA made me waste a lot of points to "level up"
Plus I have more than 15,000 useless future bucks! What are the for? To have the Devs laugh at us? Thanks for nothing EA.
I've stopped buying donuts. :(
Note sure about the wasted points on leveling up. By crafting items you leveled up. If you just used parts to level up by clicking the 'number' needed you missed a big part of how this worked, and that was covered in the walkthroughs and tons of posts. Hope that didn't happen to you. I have used future bucks to craft a ton of cash earning items for my freemium town and its actually earning a ton of cash and xp now.
To the OP:
I hear you. I have found in the last few events there was no way for my freemium town to get the last couple of prizes, even logging in 4 or 5 times a day. The difference in my main town was the extra 20 or so premium characters, who not only add to earning power, but do it at double the rate. My personal opinion is that with the huge number of avenues to free donuts, EA is expecting us to have premium characters to succeed. This event I have not missed a day of 4 times logged in. I got the last prize of act one with 40 minutes to spare. When I get enough donuts built up in that town I will start farming KEMs with the collider on and it will join the premium group.
As much as I love the events I am also finding the never ending grind is wrecking the fun. Gone is the time when we get down time to actually design and have fun. Part of the issue there is the never ending I'm bored when is something going to happen threads that start before each event even ends. I actually enjoy the event, and don't see it as a get everything as fast as you can then complain type of game.
As in any game there are vastly different styles of players and its hard for EA to strike a balance but the pace now seems to be scaring away and burning out those of us who cant spend hours a day, or don't have 3 or 4 times a day to log in. Unfortunately I don't have an answer, but you are definitely not alone in your thoughts. I really hope we get NOTHING ELSE until Halloween to allow some breathing time.
Sorry for the long post, but its one of my very infrequent long rants :wink: