Forum Discussion

feelingblind's avatar
11 years ago

Gold doesn’t deplete, it’s cumulative

Thanks! I didn't upgrade this morning because of that reason!
  • Nine9Nines wrote:
    This is another confusing aspect of this event. Characters should upgrade automatically when the gold level is reached. Making us do it manually is why everyone is so confused.

  • neuroheart wrote:
    mandyoramanda wrote:
    Since it is cumulative, is there somewhere that I can see the total amount collect so far?

    ... Try the bottom left corner of your screen.

    Ah! I got it. I could've sworn the amount of gold had gone down and there was some other hidden place that the total gold was probably showing.

  • arhiannondavies wrote:
    mpwarner wrote:
    Nine9Nines wrote:
    This is another confusing aspect of this event. Characters should upgrade automatically when the gold level is reached. Making us do it manually is why everyone is so confused.

    Yeh.. Seems a little pointless

    I think it's so we can choose to upgrade either Bart, Lisa or Homer :-)

    No, this is not the case. You don't have a choice of whether to upgrade, homer, bart, lisa or marge. As long as you have the gold you can upgrade any.

    I.e. if homer requires 1600 and lisa requires 1800 and you have 1900 gold, then you can upgrade both, therefore you wouldn't need to have 3400 to upgrade both of them.

    Also, if you are asking why doesn't it upgrade automatically when you reach the gold requirement.... then my question is how long have you been playing this game? I mean, what aspect of this game has ever been automatic? The whole game is about tapping and activity. It is not surprising that you have to tap to upgrade...
  • Maybe because upgrading benefits the characters tasks because it generates more exilir (whatever it's called), but if you're not active enough then you pay the price for not upgrading yourself.
  • The weird thing is that I was upgrading homer each time i had enough gold and never noticed that the gold never dropped. it wasn't until i went to upgrade both homer and lisa that I noticed the gold didn't drop! lol.
  • For those that aren't happy with this think of it as two separate currencies: the elixir is one, the gold is another. The elixir is already depletible and spending it is needed to earn more gold and elixir. If they did make it so the gold was spent on the prizes, people here would be gathering around with pitchforks and torches demanding the downfall of EA for another event foul-up.

    This way you keep the already hard to earn currency, and can use your more easily earned currency to purchase upgrades to make it so you earn more of that hard-earned currency.