Forum Discussion

FeeJay1111's avatar
11 years ago

Handshakes now arriving in instalments.

Ive been having plenty of handshakes, it's never really been a problem for me.
  • My issues is that the notifications are delayed, some times is a shirt delay, other times it's hours. Had 15 handshakes this morning & only go the 2nd notification.

    Now just ignore visitor notifications & go into the game for renewing characters' tasks.
  • richardaca969 wrote:
    Ive been having plenty of handshakes, it's never really been a problem for me.

    Me neither. And I've been getting through my neighbours with maybe one crash, and not every time.

    Can we have a handshake/crash glitch thread please?
  • montmorencyj, I visited you at about 08.40 - 08.50 this morning. I had several crashes but all but one of them were at the very end of my alphabet. The crash in the middle (can't remember who - I was doing my visiting in the car - as a passenger I hasten to add) happened after 1 tap and then I went back in and did 2 more. So if this was you you shouldn't have had more than 3.

    I do hope you get a reply from the poster who is having no problems. It would be interesting to know what the differences in devices/IPSs/ style of play. I have Sky at home but I use Virgin Moblie otherwise and have the same problems no matter whether using my iPad, iPhone or someone else's iPad. My iPad has up to date software but my iPhone hasn't - thought I'd delay this to see if it made a difference. I did have one poster helpfully tell me he had no problems with his new iPad Air but that also could have been down to lots of other variables.

    I hate businesses who deal with problems by saying that no one else has the problem. I've given up with EA at the moment as I had to keep reminding them I was still having problems. They were not good at replying after the 1st couple of goes. Life is too short, etc...

    I just hope this gets sorted with the next update. Perhaps they could go back to the Stonecutters cameras until they can sort out the handshakes.
  • montmorencyj wrote:
    richardaca969 wrote:
    Ive been having plenty of handshakes, it's never really been a problem for me.

    That's interesting, richardaca969. I wonder what it is about your set-up and/or your particular play style that might make the difference. And the same question goes to anyone else who says that handshakes are working perfectly.

    May I ask what your device is, what software version? Also, how do you typically play, eg. Do you always close the app, log out after each session, how many neighbours, anything that you think that might help a successful and timely sync with the servers, and anything about your town design that might reduce conflicts? And who's your ISP? EA appear uninterested in this issue (or maybe they are looking at it but who knows given their lack of communication; I've contacted them twice and they say it's not a known problem), so it seems up to us to try to figure it out. Maybe you can help us work it out.

    I can absolutely say that for me and my OH, neighbour games don't sync in real time. Sit next to a real-life friend and tap through each other's towns. You'll see there is quite a time delay between taps and results from both sides. It seems it only needs someone else to be in your town within about 5 minutes of you and/or another friend to fubar things.

    Im android, its a samsung galaxy, not the big one. I do tend to quit the game, but not log out. I have JUST RECENTLY started getting notifications of neighbour visits, something I never had before last month.

    I do still get the retry screen when I start though.

    the only thing I can think of is that im in the uk, but most of my neighbours arent, I tend to have the majority of handshakes when I wake up in the morning, not during the day.