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8 years ago

Homerpalooza: Prizes and Craftables Walkthrough
Swine-ing High

Auto starts

Homer: Hey, it's an inflatable concert pig, just like at Hullabalooza.
Lisa: It's a symbol of the corporate greed of the record companies.
Homer: Except, now all the greedy record companies are out of business.
Bart: So now it just means “Caution: a fat man may try to sing”.
Hidden Threads

Auto starts

Wiggum: The Thread Shed! That would be perfect for buying undercover costumes.
Wiggum: I have reason to suspect that there may, just may be, drugs in rock and roll.
Lou: Fine I'll dress up as Prince, you can dress as Meatloaf.
Wiggum: Did you say meatloaf? The drugs can wait, I'm hungry.

Task: Make Wiggum Shop for Undercover Outfits
Time: 6h
Location: Rock Camp Thread Shed
Task: Make Lou Regret Talking
Time: 6h
Location: Rock Camp Thread Shed
Only Drummers Die Young Pt. 1

Nick Delacourt starts

Nick Delacourt: Forget it, Shredder. I'm not going on tour. I'm afraid of dying out there.
Shredder Stevens: Oh, don't worry about that. We mostly replace you with a drum machine anyway.
Nick Delacourt: Did not know that. But I mean really dying.
Shredder Stevens: You're worried about the drummer's curse, eh? How they all die young?
Nick Delacourt: No, I'm worried about all the fatty foods on the road. I have rock-star level cholesterol.

Task: Make Nick Hide From Dietary Cholesterol
Time: 4h
Location: Brown House

Only Drummers Die Young Pt. 2

Homer starts

Homer: Nick, you can't just hide out in the Brown House. That's where everyone goes to do weird things… and you're just making it weirder.
Marge: If you're worried about your health, you should go see a doctor.
Nick Delacourt: Hm. As a flakey musician, I usually go see a crystal healing witch. But I guess I could try Western medicine.

Task: Reach Level 24 and Place Hibbert Family Practice
Task: Make Nick Get a Check-Up
Time: 8h
Location: Hibbert Family Practice

Homer: Did Hibbert give you a clean bill of health?
Nick Delacourt: Yes!
Nick Delacourt: He also scheduled me for a colonoscopy.

Only Drummers Die Young Pt. 3

Bart starts

Bart: How's your obsession with death coming along, Nick?
Nick Delacourt: The obsession is doing great. But I could do with some cheering up.
Lisa: The number one step in staying healthy is getting exercise.
Nick Delacourt: Of course! And I know the perfect exercise.

Task: Make Nick Spin His Drumsticks
Time: 4h

Lisa: Twirling your drumsticks is exercise?
Nick Delacourt: It's exhausting physically AND emotionally. What if you drop a stick just when you need to beat out a riff?
Nick Delacourt: That's why drummers all keep a spare drumstick down their pants.
Bart: I wondered why they walked so funny.
Nick Delacourt: Oh, that's because they're drunk.

Only Drummers Die Young Pt. 4

Bart starts

Bart: Hey, Nick. You don't seem so worried about your health anymore. Find a way to break the curse?
Nick Delacourt: Yep. Check out this line of vitamin supplements I'm taking.
Bart: *reading* “Nick Delacourt's Hi-hat Health Supplements”.
Bart: These really make you feel better?
Nick Delacourt: The money I make from selling them does.

Task: Make Nick Package Health Pills
Time: 4h
Location: Brown House
Quest rewards: $200 and 20 XP
Weapons of Mass Audio Production Pt. 1

Peter D'Abruzzio starts

Peter D'Abruzzio: Shredder, I can't go on stage with these speakers.
Peter D'Abruzzio: They are so not loud I can barely not hear myself think.
Lisa: Maybe if the speakers weren't so loud and distorted, people could actually hear the notes you are playing.
Peter D'Abruzzio: That's what I'm afraid of.

Task: Make Peter D'Abbruzio Play a Session

Weapons of Mass Audio Production Pt. 2

Peter D'Abruzzio starts

Peter D'Abruzzio: I need louder speakers! Noise is what rock and roll is all about.
Shredder Stevens: What?
Nick Delacourt: What?
Shredder Stevens: I can't hear you. I have tinnitus from years of loud speakers.
Nick Delacourt: Sorry. You have to speak louder to get past my tinnitus.

Task: Make Peter Struggle With Tinnitus
Time: 8h
Location: Sungazer Studio

Peter D'Abruzzio: If I had any hearing left maybe I wouldn't be so desperate for louder speakers.

Weapons of Mass Audio Production Pt. 3

Peter D'Abruzzio starts

Gil: I hear you're looking for new speakers, Mr. D'Abbruzio. Well, I got just the thing.
Gil: Surplus Navy loudspeakers, fresh off a battleship.
Gil: Just imagine them blasting out: “General quarters! Incoming aircraft! This is not a drill!”.
Peter D'Abruzzio: Thanks, but I need top end fidelity.
Gil: Wait! Mine are on sale, a nickel a decibel. I'll give you the whole set for a half-eaten chicken sandwich!

Task: Reach Level 17 and Build King Toot's
Task: Make Peter Browse for Better Equipment
Time: 4h
Location: King Toot's

Peter D'Abruzzio: What's the loudest amp you offer?
Squeaky Voice Teen: What's an amp?
Peter D'Abruzzio: You're a music store employee. Don't you know?
Squeaky Voice Teen: Sorry, but for every job in town it's either me or the wise-guy dude.

Weapons of Mass Audio Production Pt. 4

Peter D'Abruzzio starts

Peter D'Abruzzio: *Sigh* I'm never gonna find a set of speakers that capture my inner volume.
Lisa: You know, there's more to being a musician than loud speakers.
Peter D'Abruzzio: Of course! You're right! There's hair!

Task: Make Peter Take Wigs to Eleven
Time: 8h

Shredder Stevens: Okay, we've got our song list, our supplements, and our wigs. We're ready to go on tour.
Shredder Stevens: Is there anything we've forgotten?
Bart: Anyone who will actually pay to see you?
Shredder Stevens: Good point. Tour canceled!

Quest rewards: $200 and 20 XP
Bursting With F.U.N

Auto starts

Bart: Whoa! Are we finally going to war with Shelbyville?
L.T. Smash: Unfortunately, no. This turret is decommissioned.
L.T. Smash: It is now just a confetti cannon, firing Fractured Unprinted Newspaper.
Bart: F.U.N.? Did you just say it shoots F.U.N.?
L.T. Smash: The military loves its acronyms.

Task: Tap the Stage Turret
Wide-Eyed Optimism

Auto starts

Lisa: Okay, Dad, this glamorous plane is just what we need to attract more pop stars to Springfield.
Homer: I've never seen anything uglier. Who's gonna be crazy enough to want to spend time with it.
Grampa: Hiya toots! I like a lady with glasses!
Lisa: Asked and answered.

Task: Make Grampa Woo a Pop Star Plane
Time: 3h
Location: Pop Star Plane
Freaky Lip Sync'd Friday Pt. 1

Alaska Nebraska starts

Lisa: Alaska Nebraska! I'm so excited for your show.
Alaska Nebraska: Not me. I'm tired of being a pop star who stars in a TV show where I pretend to be a pop star pretending to be a normal girl.
Alaska Nebraska: I want to be a normal girl and pretend I'm not a pop star!
Alaska Nebraska: Did you get all that?
Lisa: Barely.

Task: Make Alaska Nebraska Perform on the Pop Stage

Lisa: Great show, Alaska!
Alaska Nebraska: Who is this “Alaska”. I'm just a perfectly normal girl with a totally ordinary name.
Alaska Nebraska: “Oregon Washington”.

Freaky Lip Sync'd Friday Pt. 2

Alaska Nebraska starts

Lisa: Dad, Mom, this is “Oregon Washington”. She's going to live with us for a while.
Homer: Sure, that's a thing we do.
Alaska Nebraska: So, how do normal people like us start our day? Half hour workout with personal trainer?
Lisa: Forty-five minute wait to use the bathroom.

Task: Make Lisa Wait to Use the Bathroom
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Alaska Nebraska Wait to Use the Bathroom
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House

Alaska Nebraska: Your dad has no hair. How is it possible he still clogs the drain?
Lisa: You really don't want to know.

Freaky Lip Sync'd Friday Pt. 3

Alaska Nebraska starts

Alaska Nebraska: Lisa, let's go to your school! I want to be a totally normal little girl.
Alaska Nebraska: Also, I'll need a wacky friend who I secretly help with her dating problems.
Lisa: Uh… me?
Alaska Nebraska: Well, I like plot twists, but you dating? That's a stretch.
Alaska Nebraska: Let me meditate on it.

Task: Make Lisa Wait for Alaska at the School
Time: 1h
Location: Springfield Elementary
Task: Make Alaska Nebraska Meditate
Time: 1h
Location: Trees

On job start:
Lisa: I don't know what I'm more scared of.
Lisa: That Alaska Nebraska will be my friend, or she won't be.

Freaky Lip Sync'd Friday Pt. 4

Alaska Nebraska starts

Alaska Nebraska: Okay, Lisa, I'm going to help your love life by throwing a huge party at your house.
Lisa: Thanks. Although, I'm only eight. I don't really need a love life.
Alaska Nebraska: I know, but this is TV.
Lisa: You seem to be confusing normal life and your TV show, Alaska.
Alaska Nebraska: “Oregon”, honey. “Oregon”.

Task: Make Youngsters Party
Time: 3h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Lisa Feel Awkward
Time: 3h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Alaska Nebraska Pretend to be Normal
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House

Alaska Nebraska: Enjoying the party, Lisa?
Lisa: Not exactly. When are you supposed to get me a boyfriend?
Alaska Nebraska: Oh, I'm not. The funny twist is, I end up dating the cutest boy at the party.
Lisa: That would be Nelson.
Alaska Nebraska: Rewrite! Rewrite!

Freaky Lip Sync'd Friday Pt. 5

Alaska Nebraska starts

Alaska Nebraska: I have to say, I'm not impressed with this being a normal girl thing.
Bart: That's because you haven't been hanging with B-Money.
Bart: Grab a skateboard and let's have some unsupervised fun.

Task: Make Alaska Nebraska Hang With Bart
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Bart Put Alaska Nebraska in Danger
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House

Alaska Nebraska: Well, back to being a pop star.
Alaska Nebraska: I broke my wrist skateboarding, but luckily it's not my pointing-at-the-crowd-while-lip-synching wrist.

Quest rewards: $200 and 20 XP
Playing It Backwards

Auto starts

Lisa: Wow, a vinyl record store. I can search for some of my favorite out-of-print jazz records.
Bart: And I can look for MY favorite out-of-print record: “Dr. Nutso's Fart Noises ‘76”.
Bart: Fans called it the “Bicentennial Fart Album”.
Bart: Vinyl farts are amazing: mellow high notes, but totally thumping bass.
Lisa: *sigh* A passion is a passion.

Task: Make Lisa Search for Obscure Jazz Records
Time: 4h
Location: All Sales Vinyl
Task: Make Bart Search for Obscure Fart Records
Time: 4h
Location: All Sales Vinyl
One Hit Wonder-brick-wall Pt. 1

Bart starts

Rappin' Bart: Man, my flow is totally jammed. I can't think of rhyme one.
Milhouse: You just need something to spark your genius. Like “collaborating” with a bunch of other rappers who do all the work.
Rappin' Bart: Great idea, Milhouse! Anyone who heard my first rap hit single, “Deep Deep Trouble” will come running.
Milhouse: They'll do something running.

Task: Make Rappin' Bart Gather Contact Information on Rappers
Time: 8h
Location: Simpson House

One Hit Wonder-brick-wall Pt. 2

Bart starts

Rappin' Bart: Took me a while to track down them phone numbers, but now to call some rappers!
The Rappin' Rabbis Phone: *rapping* OY VEY -- WE'RE NOT IN TODAY!
Rappin' Bart: Who needs them! I can write a better song in my sleep.
Gil: You probably can. I wrote those. That's my latest career: writing rap phone answering messages.

Task: Make Bart Get Fired Up
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House

One Hit Wonder-brick-wall Pt. 3

Bart starts

Rappin' Bart: I don't need anyone's help coming up with a dope song.
Rappin' Bart: Just my own genius and enough Buzz Cola that my blood is more sugar than water.
Rappin' Bart: I'm gonna nail that song in one try.

Task: Make Bart Nail Hit Song in Twenty-Eight Tries
Time: 4h
Location: Benches

One Hit Wonder-brick-wall Pt. 4

Bart starts

Jay G: I KNEW you'd write a good song if you just got angry.
Rappin' Bart: So you deliberately ignored me to motivate me?!
Jay G: Yep. Usually I hang people upside down outside windows, but hey, why not try something new?

Task: Make Bart Rap Angrily

Rappin' Bart: Well, that song was great. But who knows where my next idea is coming from.
Jay G: I’ll open a window.
Rappin' Bart: No, I'm inspired, I promise!

Quest rewards: $200 and 20 XP
Dollar, Dollar, Hills Y'all Pt. 1

Cletus starts

Cletus: Hey Brandine! Look what I found while I was spring cleaning! That is, cleaning up all the old car springs we have in the back yard.
Brandine: That's your fancy jacket from when you were MIS-managing the kids' band an' wasting all their money!
Brandine: That's why I buried it under the car springs.
Cletus: My truck keys were in the pocket! I'm getting it off its concrete blocks and taking it for a spin.

Task: Make Manager Cletus Go for a Spin
Time: 1h
Location: Cletus' Monster Truck

Dollar, Dollar, Hills Y'all Pt. 2

Cletus starts

Manager Cletus: I love wearing my fancy music manager jacket. I'm gonna take up managin' again.
Manager Cletus: I just need an act better than the Spuckler Family Kids.
Manager Cletus: Which means any act.

Task: Make Manager Cletus Scout for Talent
Time: 8h
Location: Shop

Manager Cletus: Hey, twins. Freaks always get attention. You two got any musical talent?
Selma: We can cough out Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.
Patty: But you gotta keep us in a lotta cigarettes.

Dollar, Dollar, Hills Y'all Pt. 3

Cletus starts

Manager Cletus: Despite my fancy jacket, I cain't seem to find a client to represent.
Manager Cletus: And I have so much to give. Like possum gizzards and a kind of psoriasis found only in Appalachia.
Manager Cletus: Guess I better visit my hillbilly therapist.

Task: Make Manager Cletus Drink His Moonshine
Time: 6h
Location: Cletus's Farm

Manager Cletus: Well, manager coat, I do feel better after visiting my shrink.
Manager Cletus: I call moonshine my shrink because it makes my intestines shrivel up.

Dollar, Dollar, Hills Y'all Pt. 4

Cletus starts

Jay G: Wow, Mr. Spuckler, that coat is killer.
Jay G: And your moonshine is intense! How would you like to have a partner in the booze biz?
Manager Cletus: I dunno. You don't seem much like a hillbilly.
Jay G: I own a goose.
Manager Cletus: Write us up a partnership agreement and let's start marking “X”s!

Task: Make Manager Cletus Sign an X
Time: 1h
Location: Cletus's Farm
If the user has Jay G: Task: Make Jay G Climb a Rung of Ruthlessness
Time: 1h
Location: Jay G's Mansion

Jay G: Congratulations, Cletus. Your moonshine business has a new silent partner.
Goosius: *honk*
Jay G: And a not so silent one.

Dollar, Dollar, Hills Y'all Pt. 5

Cletus starts

Manager Cletus: Alright, I gots a new batch of moonshine ready.
Jay G: You're the brand manager. Get out and find a celebrity spokesman to endorse it.
Manager Cletus: I got a goat what's kinda notorious around the county.
Jay G: Hm. What's the next step up from a goat?
Jay G: Got it. A clown.

Task: Make Manager Cletus Manage a Brand
Time: 4h

Jay G: Excellent job, Cletus. Your moonshine will be huge. I'm taking this partnership to the next level.
Manager Cletus: The roof of the hay loft!?
Jay G: Nope. Freezing you out of the business.

Dollar, Dollar, Hills Y'all Pt. 6

Cletus starts

Manager Cletus: Brandine! Jay G done took over my moonshine business.
Manager Cletus: Turns out I signed over all rights to him. And signed a non-compete clause.
Brandine: Did you sign a non-feudin' clause?
Manager Cletus: Nope.
Brandine: Then grease up yer squirrel gun.

Task: Make Manager Cletus Prepare a Hostile Takeover
Time: 4h
If the user has Jay G: Task: Make Jay G Move up Another Rung
Time: 4h
Location: Jay G's Mansion

Manager Cletus: Jay G says it's illegal for me to make my own moonshine.
Manager Cletus: But them dang revenooers said the same thing, and that didn't stop me.
Krusty: And as long as your moonshine only make me go blind temporarily, you'll always have a customer in me.
Manager Cletus: It's a wonderful life.

Quest rewards: $200 and 20 XP
On Rude Crowd Purchased

Auto starts

Task: Tap on the Rude Crowd
On Cheering Crowd Purchased

Auto starts

Task: Tap on the Cheering Crowd
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