johncolombo wrote:
krae_man wrote:
I get why EA did this(and changed the Donuts to money conversion rate to something based on your level) re to make it more likely people buy money with donuts. Problem is its still not worth it. The most expensive donut items are $10-$15 If you buy a boatload. With aspirationals, It's like $140. Granted that's better then the $1500+ It was before but its still way too expensive to even consider. Even with them taking away a faster way of aquirung money without spending donuts.
I've never had a house farm and I have 150,000,000 in cash plus all land and aspirationals. It can be done, you just have to play the game!
Correction: not play, but buy (with real money)
That multiplier you have wasn't exactly free. Granted it didn't cost a fortune either (arguably) but it still didn't just come through normal means.
House farming was a freemiums way of making money.
Buying items to increase the multiplier is a premium players way of making money.
Personally I hate house farming. Even when I was a freemium player with a tight budget I never fell down that hole. Designing a town is the fun of the game for me. Not the incredibly ludicrous numbers.