Forum Discussion

lalaland538's avatar
11 years ago

I really do not understand...

And Yes, I know about the bonus tiles, XP, etc

It still doesn't make sense.
  • Arlandria606 wrote:
    lisaseviltwin wrote:
    Arlandria606 wrote:
    Please, go easy on those of us with spreadsheets. It's a very serious problem, and we can't help it. Just this morning I was explaining something to another player and before I knew it I had made a spreadsheet that calculates your revenue, factors in your multiplier, and models how your revenue will increase based on purchases of specific buildings, characters, and multiplier-increasing decorations. I didn't mean to. I have no use for it myself. But there it is, in all its colour-coded, data-validated, cell-protected glory.

    As for the whole tapping thing - to each their own. Everyone should just play the way they want to and find like-minded friends. It's a game, it's supposed to be fun. Play however it's fun for you. But don't come on the forum whinging about everyone else doing it their way. That's just... well, rude and childish. As for whinging about people whinging, that's just meta. Or Inception-esque. Either way, there's no point to it (unless Tom Hardy's gonna show up, in which case, call me ASAP), so hush.

    Now. Back to those spreadsheets, a much worthier topic...

    That is A-Freakin-Mazing! :thumbup: I'm in awe. And I'll bet it didn't even take you that long to create it, whereas if I did it, it would take weeks. Wow! :D

    Thanks! I started it yesterday morning, dipped in and out over the day while deep-cleaning the kitchen, finished it off this morning. Maybe 3-4 hours total, plus a couple of hours of thinking about it first? Something like that. When my 10-year-old self wanted a Playstation, I made a spreadsheet to persuade my Mum she should buy me one, and it worked, so now I'm convinced they're magical wish-fulfilling things :) I posted a link to it in the FAQ & Guides section if you want to see.

    :shock: and all while deep-cleaning the kitchen! I wish I had your energy & drive! I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for the tip. :D I spent a lot of time in the FAQ & Guides before I officially joined the forum. So much to learn!
  • pinklittlebirdie wrote:
    st33lcas3 wrote:
    This is for all you players using spreadsheets...


    I get paid a lot for spreadsheets. It's my job. :) I like numbers

    Just needed to post this gif :mrgreen:

  • IronWaffle5x5 wrote:
    yeah, I have a couple that are annoying me with brown/simposon/kem taps. Of course, its' hard to know if they came just after I collected all my longer term buildings, and that may be all that was left. I know I go into some towns and that is all that is available. Generally I look for tiles first, then farm/CH6 if I see it, or longer time buildings. But I'm also not going to scan thru a whole large town looking for optimum tappable buildings. Too many neighbors, takes too much time as it is.

    Completely agree