Forum Discussion

skollthewolf's avatar
Rising Novice
5 years ago

Item Limit...

Hey, EA, you want me to spend real money on this game again? Up the item limit, so I can place the items that I purchase.
  • It’s an absolute joke!

    I’ve not been able to design out any of the content I’ve collected/purchased in about 3 months.

    I have all but 2 land squares left to get thanks to GGR, but probably about 40% of that space is largely empty as I can’t buy or use storage items to design it out.

    For Halloween and this Thanksgiving event I’ve literally had to start dismantling what I have designed to be able to place the new content items.... like what is the point?

    All the premium items in the All American Auctions event I’ve refused to purchase as I’m fed up having to break up what I spent a long time building.

    Add to the fact that as a long timer (been playing since 2012) and Premium player I got ZERO Black Friday boxes (Which I appreciate that if I had, the item limit issue would have been compounded) I’m really feeling like EA doesn’t want me to play this game any more.

    Which is a shame as I love it and have had tons of enjoyment out of it; but the last few months really have been dreadful.... feels like they are squeezing the life out of it
  • "ZennGlenn;c-2104022" wrote:

  • Although I'm not that near the limit myself (might be due to being away from the game for 18 months and missed some great items) to me it seems crazy that they don't increase the item limit (even if it's only a small amount) with each event release as this issue isn't a new thing it's been happening for years and must be costing them money as you tend to find those who are near or at the item limit tend to be premium players and I suspect aren't spending money if you can't place the item out to display it, the only reason that I can think of for them to not keep adding to the item limit is worry about people with older devices but they already have the warning in place about going over XXX amount and keeping below if it's slowing down so they already have their get out clause.