Forum Discussion

joshsherer's avatar
11 years ago

I've figured out what "unsolved murder" means

Im going to agree with Josh on this. The snowmen I expected to melt. But we got other ice statues why couldnt they leave ice god. I wanted a level update. Im getting VERY VERY VERY bored with the game now.

EA you keep doing this your going people playing. Dont sink your cash cow.
  • jenichu682 wrote:
    Mod-sanctioned trolls are the worst, confirmed.

    What exactly does that mean? I guess you think that the moderators protect him.

    Did Josh say something that he should be banned for? The crazy thing is, he isn't an idiot troll... He actually makes sense most of the time. You may not like his point of view and it's okay to have a differing opinion and voice it but sniping without a real comment seems pointless.

    It's also perspective.

    I'm far more bothered by the endless threads about the same topics in the repetitive fashion on these boards.

  • Josh's intentions for his posts/threads have very little to do with the game or his "opinions" on it. It's quite obvious to most that his main goal here is to elicit emotional reactions from members. He gets a thrill from winding people up and watching them go.
  • jukan00's avatar
    New Spectator
    I figured out what "unsolved murders" means too homie. Judge Snyder about to come through!
  • dgwglenn wrote:
    mwdalton wrote:
    The number of the beast! Dgwglenn is a secret member of the illuminati, here to use immunisations as a form of mass mind control!

    Sheesh, I take off to a secret meeting for a couple hours and then wild accusations come from everywhere. Good thing I've made a few quick posts so that no one else can figure out what I'm up to.

    And speaking of wild accusations I'll make one of my own. Josh is not a troll. The people with negative responses to his posts are the ones demonstrating trollish behaviour.

    Now you will all count down from 13 to 7 and send me all your donuts. :twisted:

    Pictures or it didn't happen....

  • rwvolture wrote:
    "EA doesn't owe anyone anything"

    Coming from a free player they don't owe ME or any other free player but what about those who PAY REAL MONEY? Are you actually insinuating that EA doesn't owe them?

    Hmm if you do please give me your money, I won't give you anything in return though cause I don't owe you anything. Think of me as EA if you want since you believe the logic that they owe no one anything even for money.

    I don't quite get what you mean here. I am a premium player, and if I buy premium stuff, EA owes me... the stuff I buy. That's it. When you go to a restaurant and you pay for a meal, you are entitled... the meal you paid for, not the whole restaurant. Same with every purchase you make in your daily life. I buy an item, and I am entitled... only this item. Not the whole store... EA owes me only what I decide to purchase and I must say that I am always very grateful that EA gives me free characters, free buildings, free decorations. No one should feel that EA owes them anything, except what they pay for. And when I pay for something in the game, I made the decision to buy it. It is a simple transaction between a vendor, and a customer.

  • jenichu682 wrote:
    Mod-sanctioned trolls are the worst, confirmed.

    Yup x100. It's the reason this forum has gone to such crap the last few months.

    On topic though: I am a bit bummed about my ice god melting the day after I got it, but I moved on. Put the puddle next to my Buddhist center where a puddle would fit. However, I don't fell the need to make another thread about it just so I can brag that mine hit 7 pages while the other threads didn't. And by brag, I mean self grandeur in my own head.
  • The Ice God melting was crap, because we have other ice statues that we can purchase and leave in our town year round. As far as using it as a puddle, I have all the other snowmen to do that with.

    I was really upset as well, but it seems like the new update is coming out tomorrow. They should have not had a period in between the event ending and releasing the update. Continuity is key!
  • Too many personal attacks in this thread, locking thread.