Forum Discussion

toj427's avatar
12 years ago

I've finally caught up, just to fall back behind again.

I wish they had more of a store to them. I mean one or two house and like ten missions, it should be 30 or so missions then unlock something at the end.
  • Toj427 wrote:
    I topped out at 25 and got the new update this morning and was immediately prompted to build the Wiggum house.

    I really think these things go too fast. I was just around 100k but decided to buy more land and a couple of houses. I think I will design my town for a bit. Maybe even add a few premium items. I might not even build the Wiggum house until the next update. But I will plan for it.

    It's what I am doing with my second town. I can see it in my head, and build it slowly. Built up a reserve of $200000, and make no building purchase if I don't have hat much on hand.

    Might need to raise that once I reach point of building Burns Manor.
  • I think more quests are needed before having the ability to build new things.
  • Its a good thing in any game, taking the time to save up makes it so much sweeter at the end
  • Too fast? You're in the extreme minority there. More people complain about having to wait for updates than people who think they come too often.
  • Ah, I do like this thread. Yes, moving too fast. But take a second to recognize that most of us here are high level players. To someone back on 19 the Wiggum house at 26 is far off. Also the game has a pattern of some character initiating a building, then we roll onto tasks. The request would really be for more tasks after a building is complete (a la Krabbaple Apts. Though 10 days? Oi.)

    This has me thinking about the Valentine update, technically on 1/31 we did not get our level 25 buildings (Burn's and Pimento Grove) or level 26. Am I remembering that wrong? We just got the sub-plot of those Valentine buildings. I only mention it as that would seem a long time between Burn's Mansion and Ralph Wiggums house.

  • URGH I really should have taken advantage of that friends bonus glitch. Up untill now I saw it as cheating, but now? It's an opportunity I've missed :(

    I'm level 26 and now I'm starting to fall behind too, i haven't purchased all of the land and would need more to build these new buildings. If I go for the buildings they will just look unsightly and cramped. If I go for the land I would have tons of space but nothing to fill it with. Decisions, decisions.
  • melodyhodge wrote:
    URGH I really should have taken advantage of that friends bonus glitch. Up untill now I saw it as cheating, but now? It's an opportunity I've missed :(

    I'm level 26 and now I'm starting to fall behind too, i haven't purchased all of the land and would need more to build these new buildings. If I go for the buildings they will just look unsightly and cramped. If I go for the land I would have tons of space but nothing to fill it with. Decisions, decisions.

    IMHO the land grab was not part of the game design. Slow and steady stays the course. Buy the blocks as you need them.

    To help with design, I have bought 1 strip of land both horizontal and vertical (I chose the center strips, but I think border strips work the same). This way when you "land" in my town you are at it's center. I can develop that center and then branch of as money and land permit.
  • RSommons wrote:
    melodyhodge wrote:
    URGH I really should have taken advantage of that friends bonus glitch. Up untill now I saw it as cheating, but now? It's an opportunity I've missed :(

    I'm level 26 and now I'm starting to fall behind too, i haven't purchased all of the land and would need more to build these new buildings. If I go for the buildings they will just look unsightly and cramped. If I go for the land I would have tons of space but nothing to fill it with. Decisions, decisions.

    IMHO the land grab was not part of the game design. Slow and steady stays the course. Buy the blocks as you need them.

    To help with design, I have bought 1 strip of land both horizontal and vertical (I chose the center strips, but I think border strips work the same). This way when you "land" in my town you are at it's center. I can develop that center and then branch of as money and land permit.

    That is actually a really good idea. And you're right, one thing I can say is that a lack of funds has definitely kept me busy trying to accumulate the money I need. I guess that's what the game intended. Guess I'm joining the slow tappers!