Forum Discussion

cflcarmel's avatar
12 years ago

Nighthawk Diner HELP

I haven't unlocked it yet, but from what I read, Homer prompts it. Is he free?
  • Homer has to be free, he'll trigger it after the quest where Apu sells fireworks and the 15 people buy them
  • Apu hasn't eve started the first quest for me I've stored him multiple times no dice. What should i do?

    Edit I uninstalled then re. Still nothing...
  • DabItUpBogart wrote:
    Apu hasn't eve started the first quest for me I've stored him multiple times no dice. What should i do?

    Is Apu wearing his new American costume? Check your inventory way down at the end. Did you receive the 4th of July event dialogue box? Did you read all of it? It mentions that the costume is in your inventory. Apu wearing the costume triggers the questline.
  • SamCarterX206 wrote:
    DabItUpBogart wrote:
    Apu hasn't eve started the first quest for me I've stored him multiple times no dice. What should i do?

    Is Apu wearing his new American costume? Check your inventory way down at the end. Did you receive the 4th of July event dialogue box? Did you read all of it? It mentions that the costume is in your inventory. Apu wearing the costume triggers the questline.

    No dialog box showed up it updated I went in the game and saw new on the build menu and saw the new stuff. Going to look in inventory see if the skin is there if not will post with update.

    Edit it was in the inventory way in the back next to my mystery boxes. Thank you good person.