Forum Discussion

happyone2323's avatar
5 years ago

Once Upon A Time...

We had spectacular events. We joined together as a community to earn special prizes. We all freaked out that they were unachievable and EA always gave us a somewhat last minute update so we could win each and every awesome prize.

Once upon a time we had great fun visiting our neighbors and helping them with each event. Leaving eggs, presents, protecting them from super villains.

Once upon a time the events were so big and filled with so many layers. Remember the Terwilliger’s? We couldn’t get through an event without the help of many on the forum.

I never thought I would say this, but I miss crafting. I miss the in-depth forum conversations and strategy talk. I think the xp collider was a mistake. I think EA should have done more to shutdown the reddit people. I think this is our fault. How many actually buy donuts. Is it all KEM farming? I still buy donuts each event because I want the game to continue. I used to play everyday. Even when I was in the hospital. I loved it that much. I couldn’t wait for LPN to post what buildings/decorations were coming so I could start planning my designs. But now? I haven’t designed in over a year. I haven’t opened my game in 7 days. I’m sad. I began abandoning my town because life got busy. But there’s been nothing exciting to bring me back. I’ll continue playing until the end. Hopefully something exciting will happen to spark my creativity and begin designing again.