That was the thing I forgot. It was kind of a pain to find the brown house with the coin but today it had all of my houses with a coin. So please also make sure you turn on all houses to Christmas houses. I also find Its easy to accidentally turn off a Xmas house which resets the timer. I'm goin to build a second of all the houses it lets me to minimize this problem.
I'm not saying you have to do this. Just saying its the easiest way to farm springfields for coins. Many of my friends don't have multiple houses or in the center but with simpsons house brown house and Flanders I can get what I want. I have many friends some low levels. I think I'm friends with an 8 but he always has what I'm looking for. There are plenty of people out there so if u want to vandalize people ok. I built the 100 brown houses early on to get quick money when I want to bungle play and get lots of cash in an hour. But for me, I don't visit friends springfields except during these holiday specials that give u bonuses daily. During downtimes I'll visit some and only vandalize. I'm sitting on a large stockpile of cash and Xp is a joke to me. This is more for the veteran players who want to finish the update and get back to just earning $.
Btw I think slh is the end of the update. I assume Lisa will play with er funzos thing but I hate things that just run around with no purpose like the burns head evil krusty.
Seems like I've been playing this over a year now tho I don't recall when the game came out. I do recall the 2+ weeks the game was completely down. Just talking to players who want a quick experience and wait for the next level. Geez it'd be nice if they'd have multi level updates eh but it's a free game so I'm not gonna complain bout that aspect. Sorry if u feel I wasted a forum topic.