Forum Discussion

WildAce24's avatar
11 years ago

Petition to get mrs Krabappel voiced *added more names*

can't you just let her rest in peace?
  • redec69 wrote:
    Ftball2theGroin wrote:
    I'm sure adding her voice to this game would require a contract that would have to be signed by her estate and heirs. I would guess they have more pressing things to do right now then try to determine a fair market value for her voice work in the context of a freemium mobile game.

    Maybe later, after some time has passed, EA can approach the estate and offer a comparable deal to what they give the other voice talent. However, I assume they cut a deal with the six main cast members (and no one else) precisely to avoid haggling with the rest of the cast members to keep their expenses low.

    It's not like EA can just unilaterally add someone's voice to a game and not compensate them for it.

    *Exactly*....and I'm sure if Marcia wanted to be involved in the game she already would have been (I'm sure EA tried to get her when they got the rest of the voice actors)....IMHO it would be hugely disrespectful to add her now even if her estate agreed (when it's already pretty clear she didn't want to be involved)

    I'd wager that EA never even asked her, because they didn't want to pay for minor characters. They probably decided from the start to restrict it to the main six cast members. Maybe if the game is successful enough, they can start cutting deals with Milhouse (Pamela Hayden) and others.
  • I can see it both ways on the Edna question.
    Personally I think it is a better tribute to keep the character in the show in memory of the person. Voicing the character is a difficult one though. Maybe she could get some throat disease from kissing principal Skinner that causes her voice to change permanently. Flashbacks to Skinner in Vietnam drunkenly kissing a monkey or something. It could make a whole episode with Dr Hibberd and his catchphrase.
    Just an idea.
    If The Simpsons use it though I'd like a place in the credits please.
  • If she wanted her voice in this game it would have been in the game. She obliviously didn't want it in the game. I think it would be best if you left this idea alone.
  • jacobjdevore wrote:
    We all wish all the characters were voiced but...'s not really a very nice tribute, imo, if you shut the game off for a minute and really think about it. I realize the folks supporting the petition believe it would be a great tribute. Any way you put it though, there's no getting around the fact that you're using her death to ask for new content. No getting around that fact, so I can't support this notion.

    Beyond that, none of voiceless characters in this game have ever received a voice post-release as far as I'm aware or remember. It seems to me that if they were to "add" voices, they'd do all of them in one fell swoop, not one-by-one. There's also no guarantee that the Edna character will stay in the game, since the character is *respectfully* being retired from the show. It's already been said that Bart will get a new teacher, so it would make sense for Edna to also be retired from the game and be replaced in-game with Bart's new teacher in the future.

    Simpsons executive producer Al Jean said this: "I don't intend to have anyone else play Mrs Krabappel. I think Bart will get a new teacher." THAT is a great tribute, folks.

    I think your completely wrong great tribute would be her voiced to keep someone's memory alive and i see no need to take her out of the game and i doubt they would do that