I have rushed events, but only when I was near the end.
Doing it early on doesn't make sense to me, sure you want to make sure you don't fall behind, but what if you get the free time later on, and then you're ahead, but, (Murphy's Law, If it can go wrong, it usually will), you can play but you can't get the bonuts.
You lose out.
I'm all for 1 Act, one at a time, each week or a bit longer.
And, spreading events over a longish period of time so there is more chance to get stuff.
And, a break between events, I'm usually doing the IGC tasks that get the character out of the taskbook and into the game anyway.
And the time between events, any longer than a month, then I get concerned, like they did in 2018 I think with nothing encouraging from EA.
Unless there's a release, "We will be doing this in X month", then fair enough.
Don't know what I was thinking there, they don't do that sort of thing.
Although I will store the main building and send a few to the Brown House to finish the Part, and then replace the main building and send the rest there to start the next Part.
But I don't take it to the point where I'm bored, there is always stuff I could be doing.