Forum Discussion

punkymcmilli's avatar
12 years ago

Righteousness 5 Star Restore Trick

punkymcmilli wrote:
When your Righteousness takes its sudden plunge from 5 stars, use this trick to restore your rating in a matter of minutes.

1) Go to a friends town and vandalize 2 buildings (preferably within the same screen shot).
2) Exit town.
3) Return to town, now you will be able to clean the 2 buildings.
4) Repeat for 7 to 8 neighbors, bada bing, Righteousness is back to 5 stars.

Previous to stumbling upon this trick, I had to search scores of towns to find enough cleaning opportunities to restore my Righteousness rating. Now a couple of minutes with my neighbors, and I can move on with the game at 5 Stars.

The only downside is that your neighbor doesn't have any graffiti to clean up.