Forum Discussion

matseym's avatar
10 years ago

Santa's Village

Yeah, I jumped on that this morning, because it might be a mistake that won't last.
  • Do you mean a task in a questlines, or do you mean a grayed out task in his permanent task list? Because there are a number of characters who have grayed out tasks if they require certain buildings or objects. (I can't think of a specific one, but maybe someone here can help? Please?)
  • I do have the task in questlines.

    There is no "Do it" anymore since Santa's Village is not for sale...
  • I've purchased Santa's Village this year for the 80 donuts and am loving it. Only thing that surprised me is that Santa Homer is not a premium character? Is this correct or a bug that needs fixing (after the event?)
  • Maybe they gave everyone the skin free when they completed the Homer's Christmas quest-task that had him flying across the screen? Just an idea.

    I dunno, I already had bought it.