Forum Discussion

doh1886's avatar
11 years ago

Selling warning

There is:
  • That reminds me of almost mistakenly selling my Faberge egg back then... I'm sure I would have banged my head against every available table for at least a week!

    By the way, in MOST cases, any unfortunate action can be made undone by disconnecting internet asap (either on your device, or jump to the router to unplug), and deleting all game data on the device.

    After re-download, things will be back to before the last server sync (usually around 10 to 30 seconds).
  • there is a default warning before selling any item. u have to click ok to sell it. cant turn this option on or off.
  • AwesomeMallis wrote:
    NMayo wrote:
    there is a default warning before selling any item. u have to click ok to sell it. cant turn this option on or off.

    Oh really? So they've changed it.

    You might be thinking of the confirm donut spend box
  • Deverz85 wrote:
    AwesomeMallis wrote:
    NMayo wrote:
    there is a default warning before selling any item. u have to click ok to sell it. cant turn this option on or off.

    Oh really? So they've changed it.

    You might be thinking of the confirm donut spend box

    I think he is. ive been playing since xmas 2013 and there has always been a confirm sell.. that would be horrible to not have a confirm sell ud accidently sell everything..