Forum Discussion

4kidsandacatdog's avatar
10 years ago

Shouldn't UBO pay premium?

It was a prize, yes?

Typically, prizes don't pay out premium until they're available for donuts at a later time.
  • But Zutroy pays as premium, and he's never been offered for donuts, has he? I know, exceptions make the rule, but still...
  • HappyGamer73 wrote:
    But Zutroy pays as premium, and he's never been offered for donuts, has he? I know, exceptions make the rule, but still...

    Zutroy was definitely offered in the shop for donuts during part two of the winter event.
  • Not until it is offered for donuts. On that note my Mindy isn't paying out premium which is strange.
  • doh1886 wrote:
    Not until it is offered for donuts. On that note my Mindy isn't paying out premium which is strange.

    Mindy hasn't been offered for donuts.... yet ;)
  • KillaSqirl wrote:
    He doesn't but plenty of his skins do.

    It was a joke :-)
  • On a related note, I have Sherri and Terri, and all of their tasks pay premium except 6h Go to School

    edit: remembered what I forgot