Forum Discussion

8550ba99e508a98's avatar
11 years ago

Thoughts On Double-Haunting...

AlterBlackbird79 wrote:
I keep hearing (reading) a lot of people complaining about, threatening to delete, etc. their neighbors because of this “double-haunting” garbage. I don’t get the big deal.

* “They’re stealing ~MY~ GOO!” – They’re stealing 2 GOO from you. Is this REALLY that big of a deal in the big picture? Considering that if you have a neighbor who has done this, the number of them is likely minimal, the amount of GOO that people are throwing a fuss about is minimal at best, and the most that they’re being affected is by 6 GOO per visit (once every 24 hrs.).

* “It’s selfish of them to take two and leave me with none!” – Considering that they’re taking about (at most) 6 GOO, if it happens to you, quit being stingy and selfish in your own right and just let it go. It’s really no big deal.

On top of all that, if you figure out who is doing it on a regular basis (I’ve done it once or twice by accident, as well as a couple times intentionally), it opens the door for you to return the favor. It seems to be forgotten that this is a two-way street. You are just as capable of returning the favor as you are of just outright deleting them. Why short yourself a friend when you can just take back the GOO that they “stole” from you that got your panties in a wad to begin with?!


Personally I could care less if I get double haunted or not. The option was put there for a reason. I don't do it because it bothers others