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3 years ago

Treehouse of Horror XXXII: Better Fighting Through Science Walkthrough

Note: If you own a Beach Towel & Umbrella, Beach Chair, Beach House, Beach Front Escalier, Beach Hideaway or Tiki Bar, and they're stored in inventory, you need to place one of them to be able to Collect Syringes.

Better Fighting Through Science Pt. 1

Auto starts

Lisa: Mad science has failed and dinosaurs are still terrorizing our town. Can we please try some real science for a change?
Professor Frink: Lisa is correct. Real science is cool…well, not cool but it's worth a try!
Quimby: What sort of real science are we talking about?
Lisa: We can engineer a retrovirus that would—
Professor Frink: Oo, lasers! Lime green lasers!
Homer: *chants* LASERS! LASERS! LASERS!
Quimby: Lasers it is!

Task: Collect Syringes
Task: Tap Dinosaurs
Task: Make Lisa Make a Plea for Compassionate Science
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
If the user has Professor Frink: Task: Make Frink Suggest Lasers
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
Task: Make Homer Chant "LASERS! LASERS!"
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House

Lenny: Where do we get a laser big enough to barbecue dinosaurs?
Professor Frink: You know the peace beacon atop City Hall — the symbol of hope for all mankind? It also transforms into a giant, deadly laser.
Lisa: So we're just going to blast dinosaurs with a peace laser?
Professor Frink: Great glayvin, no! That would be inhumane.
Professor Frink: I've retrofit it with experimental technology that we can aim at the city's advertising mascots to make them sentient so THEY can do the dinosaur killing.
Lisa: *sigh* And we're back to mad science.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Better Fighting Through Science Pt. 2

Auto starts

Quimby: When do we get to see fighting from these robot... signs... whatever they are?
Professor Frink: I'm having a problem adjusting the anti-photonic—
Quimby: Blah-blibbity-blah! Just make it work!
Hank Scorpio: Maybe I could be of some assistance. I dabble in experimental technologies.
Lisa: Hank Scorpio? But you're an actual supervillain!
Hank Scorpio: You think I'm super? You flatter me.
Geriatric Park Burns: Scorpio was part of the team that made the dinosaur hybrids in the first place. I'm sure his insights will prove useful.
Lisa: Great, let's trust the people who got us into this mess to get us out of this mess.
Geriatric Park Burns: You heard the eight-year old! Continue with the sciencing, gentlemen. We're all counting on you!
Homer: *moans* I really wanted to see dinosaurs get zapped with lasers.

Task: Collect Syringes
Task: Tap Dinosaurs
If the user has Professor Frink: Task: Make Frink Bring Advertising Signs to Life
Time: 4h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
If the user has Hank Scorpio: Task: Make Hank Scorpio Help Bring Advertising Signs to Life
Time: 4h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
If the user has Sentient Lard Lad Statue: Task: Make Sentient Lard Lad Statue Agree to Fight Dinos
Time: 4h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
Task: Make Homer Be Disappointed the Dinos Won't Be Zapped
Time: 4h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House

Sentient Lard Lad Statue: *groans* Finally I can stretch. This donut weighs a ton. And who holds a donut over their head like this anyway?
Quimby: Wow! You're very large and complain-y.
Quimby: Has anyone explained the situation to you and your fellow advertising signs?
Sentient Lard Lad Statue: Something about fighting rampaging dinosaurs?
Quimby: Exactly. Are you up for it?
Sentient Lard Lad Statue: Eh, why not. Beats just standing around smiling.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Better Fighting Through Science Pt. 3

Auto starts

Sentient Lard Lad Statue: Attention dinosaurs! Prepare for total destruction!
Sentient Lard Lad Statue: Your bones will be ground into donut flour that we take back to Geriatric Park.
Grampasaurus: Eh, you guys are too powerful for us to fight, so we're not gonna.
Raptor: Rwaaark?
Sentient Lard Lad Statue: You're not?
Grampasaurus: No. When this is all over, you'll just freeze up as thirty-foot tall advertising mascots again anyway.
Sentient Lard Lad Statue: I don't want to go back! I was hoping to become a dentist.
Sentient Red Devil Realty Sign: And I've always dreamed of dairy farming.
Grampasaurus: Don't kid yourselves. Once they don't need you to fight us anymore, you'll return to standing in front of their stupid buildings.
Professor Frink: That's not true! We've a plan to repurpose you as mascots for local sports teams. How's the Fighting Lady Lardlads sound?
Sentient Lard Lad Statue: That sounds horrible!
Sentient Red Devil Realty Sign: Weird old dinosaur guy is right. Humans suck brimstone and blow fire!

Task: Collect Syringes
Task: Tap Dinosaurs
If the user has Grampasaurus: Task: Make Grampasaurus Recruit Giant Signs
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
If the user has Sentient Lard Lad Statue: Task: Make Sentient Lard Lad Statue Switch Sides and Rampage
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
Task: Make Homer Be Scared Giant Signs Have Joined Dinosaurs
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
If the user has Professor Frink: Task: Make Frink Be Surprised
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
Task: Make Lisa Be Surprised Anyone Is Surprised
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House

Quimby: That didn't turn out well.
Professor Frink: It's just so unexpected.
Homer: I wish somebody had said something to stop us.
Lisa: *sigh* They never listen.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Better Fighting Through Science Pt. 4

Auto starts

Professor Frink: Relax, everyone. I have a Plan B.
Professor Frink: I'll reverse the bigifyer laser and shrinkinate some brave nanonauts to microscopic size.
Professor Frink: And then inject them into their leader — Grampasaurus.
Homer: Even shrunk, I might be too big.
Bart: Your fat butt has saved us from helping, Homer! They'll have to use some other family of suckers.
Quimby: Simpsons, you're up!
Marge: What?!
Lisa: Dad, this all sounds very strange…and probably dangerous.
Homer: Forget it, Frink! No way am I going to allow my family to—
Professor Frink: You'll get to pilot this cool microscopic submarine around the inside of a dinosaur.
Homer: We're in!

Task: Collect Syringes
Task: Tap Dinosaurs
If the user has Professor Frink: Task: Make Frink Activate Shrinking Ray
Time: 4h
Location: New Invention Expo, Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
Task: Make Simpsons Get Shrunk
Time: 4h
Location: New Invention Expo, Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House

Professor Frink: Now we take this dart gun with the bionaut ship inside and shoot Grampasaurus.
Bionaut Marge: *inside dart gun* Please don't miss!
Quimby: No pressure. But if you fail, the dinosaurs will continue to rampage!
Lisa: *inside dart gun* Also…we may die!
Professor Frink: Yes, that too. So, who's got good aim?
Wiggum: Uh, well…Ralphie is better than I am.
Lou: I'm pretty good, but I got a wrist injury from repeatedly taking off my police badge and throwing it down in disgust.
Bionaut Marge: *inside dart gun* Will someone just stick us into the dinosaur!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Better Fighting Through Science Pt. 5

Auto starts

Professor Frink: Frink to Simpsons! Frink to Simpsons! Do you copy?
Homer: Breaker breaker one-nine, good buddy! This is the Radioactive Porkchop, comin' at ya. We are wall-to-wall and treetop tall!
Lisa: Dad, we're in a microscopic submarine, not a semi-truck in the 1970s.
Professor Frink: Homer, what do you see in front of you?
Homer: Just miles and miles of yuck.
Professor Frink: You're supposed to be in the target's brain.
Bart: I think we're in his giant dino-butt!
Lisa: Dad, you were supposed to take a left turn back there.
Homer: There's always a backseat nanobot driver.

Task: Collect Syringes
Task: Tap Dinosaurs
Task: Make Homer Get Lost Inside Grampasaurus
Time: 4h
Location: New Invention Expo, Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
If the user has Bionaut Marge: Task: Make Marge Navigate to the Brain
Time: 4h
Location: New Invention Expo, Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
Task: Make Lisa Inject Serum Into Grampasaurus' Brain
Time: 4h
Location: New Invention Expo, Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
If the user has Grampasaurus: Task: Make Grampasaurus Become Compliant
Time: 4h
Location: New Invention Expo, Town Hall, Geriatric Park Dome, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House

Professor Frink: Alright, Grampasaurus. You should be feeling compliant about now. Lead the dinosaurs back to Geriatric Park.
Grampasaurus: Yes, master. Lead…dinosaurs…back.
Professor Frink: I did it! The serum is working! Now we need to get the Simpsons out of the dinosaur.
Quimby: How exactly do we do that?
Professor Frink: Well, Homer does know where the butt is…

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP

American Holiday

After completing Welcome to Geriatric Park Pt.5, This Means Dino War Pt.5, The Mutant Army of Dr. Hibbert Pt.5 and Better Fighting Through Science Pt.5
Auto starts

Chalmers: Burns, we want answers, and we want them now!
Homer: Yeah! After what my family went through…small AND large intestines, they better be good answers. *shudder*
Quimby: Relax. Mr. Burns and I are teaming up to offer everyone a free hotel stay at Geriatric Park.
Mr. Burns: It's part of our new "Free Weekends If You Went Through A Dinosaur" program.
Homer: Woohoo! Inject us into something again!
Marge: No, don't.

Task: Make Burns Agree to Allow "Free" Resort Stays
Time: 4h
Location: Geriatric Park Visitors Center, Geriatric Park Front Gate, Geriatric Park Dome, Town Hall or Brown House
If the user has Quimby: Task: Make Quimby Pay for Resort Stays With Taxes
Time: 4h
Location: Geriatric Park Visitors Center, Geriatric Park Front Gate, Geriatric Park Dome, Town Hall or Brown House
Task: Make Lisa Object to Political Hypocrisy
Time: 4h
Location: Geriatric Park Visitors Center, Geriatric Park Front Gate, Geriatric Park Dome, Town Hall or Brown House
Task: Make Springfielders Enjoy the Resort
Time: 4h
Location: Geriatric Park Visitors Center, Geriatric Park Front Gate, Geriatric Park Dome, Town Hall or Brown House
Task: Make Elderly Get Bussed Back to Their Homes
Time: 4h
Location: Geriatric Park Visitors Center, Geriatric Park Front Gate, Geriatric Park Dome, Town Hall or Brown House

Lisa: This is just another Halloween fiasco.
Lisa: Now we have vampires, robots, demogorgons, dinosaurs, and giant advertising mascots roaming the streets.
Homer: I thought you liked diversity, honey?
Marge: The important thing is: we all learned a valuable lesson.
Lisa: Rich people can get away with whatever they want?
Homer: Science will destroy us all?
Bart: Lasers and dinosaurs are awesome?
Marge: I've really got to stop searching for "valuable lessons" in things.

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
  • "ovets2711;c-2210155" wrote:
    Can't play.. "job not available".. please help

    If you’re referring to collecting syringes, you need to buy a “beach chair” decoration and place it on the beach

    Long-time players who have the “beach towel and umbrella” is the location for collecting syringes
  • So the season is over and the app says it will let me finish the very last quest “Better fighting through science” but when I go to click “Do It” next to “collect syringes” none of the characters have syringes next to their task rewards. Just money and exp. And when I tried anyway, they don’t drop any syringes. Anyone have any idea how to make them drop syringes? I’d love to finish the quest.
  • Contact EA for issues with the ending of the Halloween event
  • "thunderaxe1;c-2210156" wrote:
    "ovets2711;c-2210155" wrote:
    Can't play.. "job not available".. please help

    If you’re referring to collecting syringes, you need to buy a “beach chair” decoration and place it on the beach

    Long-time players who have the “beach towel and umbrella” is the location for collecting syringes

    weird cause in the files it says Brown House too. guess if you've any of the others it requires to use those.
  • @ovets2711 you will have better luck in the finding friends section of the forum
  • "Klot;c-2210511" wrote:
    So the season is over and the app says it will let me finish the very last quest “Better fighting through science” but when I go to click “Do It” next to “collect syringes” none of the characters have syringes next to their task rewards. Just money and exp. And when I tried anyway, they don’t drop any syringes. Anyone have any idea how to make them drop syringes? I’d love to finish the quest.

    Same problem here !
  • Contact EA through the game, the site
    or on Twitter
    Chat or phone is best during business hours in US Central Time M-F