Forum Discussion

slodaddio's avatar
6 years ago

UNSELLABLE ITEMS (e.g. Barfy, Crawl, Bully-vern..etc..)

So you know the giant versions of Barney, Karl, Lenny, and Wiggum (Wiggops) and others that were part of a previous Halloween quest (last year, I believe). Well I continue to send them on quests to earn $ and they have accrued a massive cache of useless duplicate items. I believe we should be able to sell these items, along with other inventory items that are un-sell-able. Ideally for donuts, but yeah - fat chance of that happening so cash is fine too. What do others think?
  • Willy9292's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    There have been threads for years about clogged up inventory, and some people even wrongly thinking that items in inventory count against the item cap. I think the current inventory has been outgrown by the games longevity. Its clunky with multiple alphabetical lists ( Still shake my head at how alphabetical is not, its like fake alphabetical ) It needs work, but for me, not at the expense of fixing all the other items on some great lists here. I doubt given the age of the game there will ever be a change to the inventory system.

    What I don't get is how much having stuff in inventory seems to bother so many people. I have since the early days collected as many of everything as possible, and it sure has paid off in design. Whether I have 5 or 500 of an item in inventory its still just one item. The specific items the OP mentioned, I have a few of. I stopped sending Wiggops et al out on tasks as soon as I could and never look at them.

    I probably have a few thousand Hail Ants signs, and can't be bothered to sell them. You get next to nothing for them, and in game cash I am not in need of. The thing I am sure of is every few months a thrfead will start about not being able to sell items that clog up inventory. Merry Christmas All.
  • The process of selling extra unneeded items got tedious in about 5 mins, the one time i tried doing a clean out sale.

    So i ignore what's in there, except the debris from the rocket, which can be cleaned up and possibly reveal hidden donuts.

    Stop trying to micro manage your game. Stop sending those guys, or just ignore what they produce. Your choice.

  • "H0LLYW000D;c-2029221" wrote:
    Wow never knew that or seen it? I've seen bonuts from friends visits and from popping balloons, but never from cleaning up dabris?

    I have an image in the tips thread getting a donut from cleaning up debris:
  • "4junk3000;c-2029161" wrote:

    So i ignore what's in there, except the debris from the rocket, which can be cleaned up and possibly reveal hidden donuts.

    What do you mean by this?
  • "H0LLYW000D;c-2029188" wrote:
    "4junk3000;c-2029161" wrote:

    So i ignore what's in there, except the debris from the rocket, which can be cleaned up and possibly reveal hidden donuts.

    What do you mean by this?

    Debris piles have a % chance for donuts when you send Lisa/Homer to clean them up
  • Its extremely rare though, I believe the odds are at half a percent, or .5%

    EDIT: Nevermind, according to the Wiki, it's a 1% chance when cleaning up Debris.
  • Wow never knew that or seen it? I've seen bonuts from friends visits and from popping balloons, but never from cleaning up dabris?