Forum Discussion

1234_JDK_1234's avatar
6 years ago

Unsellable mods

Since the updates I realised that I have mods in my inventory, which I simply cant sell.
Right now I do have 40 non assigned mods, but can just sell 22 if them. The other 18 dont appear in the selling page.
And no there is no filter or something else on.
This is quite annoying when you have mods, who aren't good for anything, but you cant sell them.
It's also getting more and more and issue, because the actual inventory gets fuller and fuller. If this is not going to be addressed, you eventually end up in not being able to farm mods anymore because of a full inventory.
I bypassed it atm by equipping my roses and gamorean guards, and some other useless toons with them.
Please fix this @devs
  • Okay that could be a good explanation, because I did at one point a complete roster mod layout from each toon.
    Damn that's annoying anyway. If they aren't equipped or locked, they should be able to sell.
    Anyway thanks, than I know what I have to do now.
  • "Winterwolves;c-1965650" wrote:
    They are in loadouts.

    Thaaank you! Wow, this has puzzled me for months. Just assumed it was some bug, but now they're finally sold!