Are you folks using the chair in the character finder? I never use that.
I just tap directly on the handshakes and then immediately do a rapid double-tap on the chair that is hovering over the building. Every once in a great while, i need to triple-tap...because the popup doesnt immediately show up. I just tap the hovering chair fast, over and over, until the task list pops up. Then I tap the task list really fast six times. .otto is first on the list. and when it closes the only thing I see is revernd Lovejoy and Luigi fading back into the building. Everybody else is already inside already.
What happens when you do that? At which of those steps is it failing to work for you? I think that's what neggy is doing, too. .since it works for us, we aren't having the same experience as you are. So which of those steps is going wrong in your case?