12 years ago
Watch the Skies!
KrustyBrand wrote:
How closely this forum is or is not monitored by our EA overlords has always been a topic of debate. I thought I'd pass along the following as a possibly relevant data point.
About an hour or so ago some relative noob, posting in the Game Status section, outlined a program glitch that allowed gamers to, in essence, purchase an unlimited number of premium items. It wasn't a hack like those touted by individuals with jail-broken devices, but was a in-game procedure that supposedly could be followed by anyone. It was fairly complicated, but it sort of had the ring of truth. Sadly, I couldn't test it because the operation required the user to have two or fewer donuts as a prerequisite. (At present I have quite a few more than that.)
And -- this is the interesting part -- now the thread is gone. Barely an hour after i first saw it. I had it bookmarked, but clicking the link takes one to the all-too-familiar "topic does exist" page. Hmmm.
The Phantom Mod strikes again.