Forum Discussion

nightwingx2k646's avatar
10 years ago

"Work the land" problem

nightwingx2k646 wrote:
I don't know about anyone else but for me the work the land hour long task is no longer showing up as a yellow task in people's task bars. So now it's not popping up to the front and the people who only have it (kang for example) are hidden amongst theorist of my people who have no monsarno tasks and I have to go hunting them down. Why is this hour long task no longer popping up with the rest if the specialized tasks? We need a patch quickly (I don't know if this problem is because of the update today?). please because this is annoying :) thank you

searching or just going to page two would have given you the answer you were looking for. It has been on ongoing issue as of late, before level 52 update.
  • mjmikulski wrote:

    searching or just going to page two would have given you the answer you were looking for. It has been on ongoing issue as of late, before level 52 update.

    Maybe not, as that thread is titled "Don't Care About the Future" Glitch. But yes, both of these tasks not being hilighted has been quite annoying. I was so happy an hour ago when my Work the Land was in yellow again, but after visiting Neighbors it was back to white. :evil:

    Edit: Redundant 'hour ago.'
  • I agree that this is an annoying bug ... I've got 2 springfields, and in one I have the 'work the land' bug and in the other I have the 'don't care about the future' bug!!!!

    The tasks are still in the character's task lists, even though in normal color and placed in regular sort order instead of at the top, so I just have to be a little bit careful when selecting tasks for event-working characters. But overall I don't feel it's a game- or event-killing bug. :-)
  • My tasks you mentioned are in yellow. I'm on android. Maybe you should post in the bugs section and make them aware of the issue
  • smohqy wrote:
    mjmikulski wrote:

    searching or just going to page two would have given you the answer you were looking for. It has been on ongoing issue as of late, before level 52 update.

    Maybe not, as that thread is titled "Don't Care About the Future" Glitch. But yes, both of these tasks not being hilighted has been quite annoying. I was so happy an hour ago when my Work the Land was in yellow again, but after visiting Neighbors it was back to white. :evil:

    Edit: Redundant 'hour ago.'