Forum Discussion

jasleo21's avatar
Rising Novice
22 days ago

i’m stuck ):

can someone please help me for some reason the police station and the town hall are locked for me and i’m level 44 idk what i’m doing wrong. I don’t see any quests for those buildings and i’ve also made lisa play the sax three times cause i also don’t have kings toots ):

  • Note that quoted levels are minimum required, but except for Expansion sidequests like Springfield Heights or Krustyland the main level quests follow on from one to the next. They won't start until you finish the one before.
    ( Because I levelled up fast I was over level 300 before doing the level 23 jobs !! )

    I suspect you haven't yet completed the level 16 tasks that will trigger the level 17 quest for the Police Station and take you through to King Toots and the Town Hall and the rest.

    I'm including some walkthrough links to help you.
    level 11 to 16
    level 17 to 22

    Note that when the quest for King Toots, We Don’t Sell myPods part 1, shows up it'll make you do do the 8 hour version of Play the Sax for Lisa.
    You need to do that three times to mark it as done and then make Lisa do the 4 hour version of Play the Sax three times to actually get King Toots unlocked - don't ask !!

    • jasleo21's avatar
      Rising Novice

      hey bro thanks for your help but i feel i need more assistance cause im looking at the links you sent but i don't even know where to start 

  • You mentioned 2 tasks in a DM, but for future readers these things are best kept public.

    Marge going to Jake's and Homer to the Track is almost at the end of levels 11 to 16 and you'll soon get to level 17 for the Police Station as mentioned in the guides from my earlier post.

    Read level 11 to 16 and level 17 to 22 - and there's an index for the other guides as you need them

    • jasleo21's avatar
      Rising Novice

      i’ve sent homer to the track and marge to jake’s already what should i do now ? also do you think since i have krustys questline and spring field heights , unfinished its blocking those other quests ?

  • Krustyland and Springfield Heights, and a couple of others, are Expansion side-quests and won't interfere with Level Quests except when content from one is used on the main quest. Level 40-odd for Princess Penelope uses KL buildings for example.

    Read and follow those guides. They show what the tasks are and in what order they will show up so you can progress and unlock further content. Your original question mentioned the Police Station, which is the first stage in the Level 17 guide. That will start when you complete the end of the Level 16 guide.

    • jasleo21's avatar
      Rising Novice

      so i have already finished “ the level 16 guide” which is building the gilded truffle and i’ve also sent homer and marge on the dine in quest. Are you suggesting i do everything again from lvl 11-16 quest? i also want to add all the characters in the guide you sent are all white quests and not yellow so doesn’t that mean i’ve already completed it

      • jasleo21's avatar
        Rising Novice

        i also want to add in i collected all the buildings and characters on that guide you sent so what should i do now?

    • jasleo21's avatar
      Rising Novice

      these are all my currents quests if this helps

  • You say you have now finished Truffle Surprise Pt. 4 ( Make Homer and Marge Dine at the Truffle ) so you want to open the Level 17 to 22 guide which starts with Miranda Rights Pt.1 ( Build the Police Station ) and then carry on from there.
    When you complete the last task of that Level 17 to 22 guide use the Index to find and start on the Level 23 guide and so on. Those guides list the things you need to do in the order you need to do them in so you can then move on to the next step and keep unlocking the content.

    • jasleo21's avatar
      Rising Novice

      okay i sent homer and marge to dine in at the truffle this will be the second time i do this. Even after the first time i did this the police station was still locked, i sent a screen shot to show you. I also looked through all my quested and none of them say “miranda rights “

      your “level 17-22” guide starts off by saying build police station but how can i start that if it’s locked 

      i also saw online chief wiggums appears in your city when you build the downs, should i sell and rebuild and maybe he will pop up?


  • I wouldn't sell Springfield Downs, but perhaps try storing it then head to the Friends Towns bit, then put it back out and head to Friends Towns again.
    Building that is one thing you need to have done to get the Police Station.

    Also check if the King Toots quest showed up first - We Don't Sell myPods pt.1.
    That may have changed since the guide was written.
    Remember for that to send Lisa on the 8 hour version of Play the Sax 3 times then do the 4 hour version of it 3 times.

    • jasleo21's avatar
      Rising Novice

      your right i checked king toots and now it says im on part 2 before it used to say part one . so what should i do now ? My lisa has a white task the says play the sax for four hours should i do that three times ? 

      this might sound far fetched but i was thinking should i just get the chief wiggum skin from the year book so that i could get him as a character and then maybe ill be able to progress?

  • I did say you need to do that 4 hour Play the Sax job 3 times after doing the 8 hour version before you get King Toots. No idea why the game doesn't tell you or show it in yellow.

    Buying Wiggum skins, or anyone else's, won't help. They just get stored until you own the character.
    I suspect once you get King Toots it'll start the Police Station bits
    It looks like those got swapped since the guide was written - do let me know if that is the case and I'll see about getting that changed.

    • jasleo21's avatar
      Rising Novice

      okay i don’t see lisa “8 hour version playing the saxophone” so i’ll just send her three times on the 4 hour saxophone quest and i’ll tell you what happens. thanks again for all your help 

      i also held the downs for a while in my inventory and when i placed it nothing happened 

    • jasleo21's avatar
      Rising Novice

      okay i just made lisa play the sax five times i really don’t know what else to do. Any more suggestions? also can EA just like check my account and maybe fix it then selves? 

  • For Miranda Rights, try finding and tapping on Apu next time he's free - he triggers the quest dialog.

    As for King Toots, put this together, just want to check that's what you've done ...

    Unlocking King Toots
    This will not show up until at least level 17 and you need to have completed all the jobs up to the end of the level 16 questline including sending Homer and Marge to Dine At The Truffle.

    ● Quest : We Don't Sell myPods part 1
    • Task : Make Lisa Play The Sax x3
    • Do : send Lisa on the job to Play The Sax for 8 hours
    • Do : send Lisa on the job to Play The Sax for 8 hours
    • Do : send Lisa on the job to Play The Sax for 8 hours
    3 jobs, 24 hours

    ● Hidden quest : We Don't Sell myPods part 1 End
    • Task : Make Lisa Play The Sax x3
    • Do : send Lisa on the job to Play The Sax for 4 hours
    • Do : send Lisa on the job to Play The Sax for 4 hours
    • Do : send Lisa on the job to Play The Sax for 4 hours
    3 jobs, 12 hours

    That's 6 jobs and a total of 36 hours without rushing.
    Note that the 8 hour job only shows up for part 1 of the quest and then the 4 hour job is not notified or highlighted in yellow as an important job.

    • jasleo21's avatar
      Rising Novice

      what if i don’t see the “make lisa play sax” for 8 hours and only 4 hours what does that mean

  • A note on how Quests can use different jobs or stop regular jobs from showing up.

    A Quest can use a TEMPORARY JOB, which may be only for that part and may be similar to a Regular Job except that it uses a different time or location etc..
    A quest can HIDE and LOCK a regular job, so you can't do that Job until you finish that part of the Quest.

    In the case of We Don't Sell myPods part 1:
    That LOCKS and HIDES the 4 hour version of Play The Sax for Lisa and uses a TEMPORARY 8 hour version.
    When you finish that it removes the 8 hour version and the Regular 4 hour Job is UNLOCKED again.
    The Quest then wants you to do the Regular 4 hour version 3 times, but does not tell you to do it.