Forum Discussion

chaosociety's avatar
7 years ago

The Googleplex.

Hello, Tappers. I've been playing for about a month or so and I think I'm doing all right. I do have one building that I don't understand how to use or what it's used for at all! That building is the Googleplex. I'm sure there must be an explanation thread on here somewhere, but I could not locate it. I would be most grateful if one of you fine citizens of Springfield could either sent me a link that explains it or just tells me.

Thank-you from all members of the chaosociety
  • The googleplex is used for making Springfield heights currency in exchange for cash, rather then the normal grinding method. You pay a certain amount of IGC (in game currency) and you will recieve 5 of whichever SH currency you choose, after you wait for the prescribed time (I believe 3 hours, someone correct me if that isnt accurate)

    Hope this helps

    Also, welcome to the forms, somewhat belatedly :D :)
  • Oh, ok. Do you or anyone else find it useful? Unless I'm still not understanding everything, the cost totally outweighs the product (which is why I haven't used it so far) Thanks daved7637397! I appreciate your help!
  • Other then the character that came with it, and the fact that I do like the look of the building, its a total waste of space. For the money it costs, it doesnt produce income, or have a multiplier.
  • for those of us that have a lot of IGC it's useful to keep accumulating SH Currency just in case they ever expand SH. Also if you've maxed out your SH buildings it's a way to generate SH currency for a daily challenge, again if your trying to save up more for possible future expanse.
  • "chaosociety;c-1982294" wrote:
    Oh, ok. Do you or anyone else find it useful? Unless I'm still not understanding everything, the cost totally outweighs the product (which is why I haven't used it so far) Thanks daved7637397! I appreciate your help!

    same as JC said
    i use it all the time, i’m saving up the mats, latte, statues, ads, and devices for possible future use (if EA decides to release more land or buildings in SH)
  • I'm with the OP. The cost is absolutely not worth it. You can get 5 of any SH item for free in a maximum of 20 minutes. There is literally no reason to spend cash on this, even if it was significantly cheaper.
  • "AAASmuck;c-1984266" wrote:
    I'm with the OP. The cost is absolutely not worth it. You can get 5 of any SH item for free in a maximum of 20 minutes. There is literally no reason to spend cash on this, even if it was significantly cheaper.

    There’s no right answer to this question. It boils down to how much relative value you attach to your time versus your igc.

  • Thanks, everyone for your thoughts on the Googleplex. I appreciate it. My fave thing about it is the name! lol!