Forum Discussion
The rain/snow bug has been there since launch. If it's snowing at the start of the stage, there are never any effects on the windscreen. It's been logged so many times but never seems to have been acknowledged or fixed 😞
- 5 months ago
Pour corriger le crash vers le bureau au splash screen de EA Sports WRC, vous devez mettre à jour le programme anti-cheat. Voici comment procéder :
- Accédez au dossier suivant : ...EA SPORTS WRC\__Installer\EAAntiCheat
- Dans ce dossier, exécutez EAAntiCheat.Installer.exe.
- Cliquez sur Update pour mettre à jour l'anti-cheat.
Après cela, le jeu devrait se lancer correctement sans revenir au bureau.---------------------------------------------------------------
To fix the crash to desktop at the splash screen in EA Sports WRC, you need to update the anti-cheat program. Here's how to do it:
- Go to the following folder: ...\EA SPORTS WRC\__Installer\EAAntiCheat.
- In that folder, run EAAntiCheat.Installer.exe.
- Click on Update to update the anti-cheat.
After this, the game should launch properly without crashing back to the desktop.
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