- AI Difficulty Setting: 85
- Stage: various
- If Career, then which career event it is: various
- Time of Day: various
- Weather Condition: various
- Vehicle Class: Rally1 and others
AI difficulty has felt rather inconsistent across the career mode. Many have reported the issue where the AI gets way easier after leaving and coming back to an event, but aside from that, the AI is a bit all over the place. In my career, I had pretty good results in JWRC and WRC2, but in those seasons I would yet struggle in some of the "vintage" cars, especially on gravel. Tarmac results felt easier to come by. (Except for the one with all the rocks.) Upon getting to the WRC, my stage times are sometimes on par with the AI but other times I'm way behind and it doesn't feel like I'm doing anything especially different in those cases. Yet in one of the midseason rallies, I belive it was on tarmac, I won fairly comfortably and I don't believe that I exited the event at any point to trigger the aforementioned bug. Although some of my issues can be attributed to not yet mastering the deployment of the hybrid and adjusting to the increased speed of the Rally1 cars, I still feel like the AI is not quite there yet in terms of consistency. If I were to turn the difficulty down to be on pace more regularly, then I expect I would have some sudden blowout victories here and there. To a similar point, most of the Moments have been tuned to be trivially easy to get gold on, yet one or two were an intensely difficult struggle that required memorization of the stage. I'm not saying they should all be easy, or all difficult, but they are a bit wildly unpredictable and maybe in a way that is not intended.