8 months ago
Unnable to connect to EA
This weekend I'm getting a lot of "unable to connect to EA Servers", which never happened before. I don't know if it's because of the last update made, or about those windows 10 errors that occured ...
it is beyond me that a crucial gamebraking bug hasnt been fixed for a month now. the core of the game is to compete on the leaderboards. if you cant even submit your result thats just as bad as it can get. since the integration of anticheat its a gamble if your will be able to submit your result or get "Unnable to connect to EA" error.
I'm still having this error. Usually happens when I restart a moment. After a moment in Greece with 5 stages of this new season where I made only one restart, getting this error after the last stage was very frustrating and need to do the 5 stages again. I stopped with moments because of this and I'm now focusing on career mode.