Forum Discussion
Maybe we don't close it because it still doesn't work for a LOT of people...
Since EA doesn't seem to want to take seriously the fact that we can't play what we paid for, I suggest we take a look at their latest Facebook post. With so much visibility maybe we will end up being taken seriously?
- 3 months ago
Gutted to say that this patch has still NOT fixed the crash at launch (Windows 10).
This is kind of insane now and not an isolated issue. Game was working fine until the 2024 DLC purchase which now I wish I could refund.
The ONLY fix I have found is in my previous post, manually deleting three files before launching the game each time.
Please expedite a fix Codemasters, this is just beyond a joke now.
- 3 months agoI don't think Codemasters will ever fix this, they have this "If we don't achknowledge it, then it doesn't exist" way of thinking and it's quite backwards, And they're useless like that. If they do fix it it could be well into the next year.
I remember in F1 23 there was an issue of no FFB on thrustmaster wheels and it took them 6-7 months to fix. Chances of them to notice this and let alone even do something about this are low and will be a long time. - 3 months ago@LatinaAdorer so we can add negative review on the steam to add some motivation
- 3 months ago
As posted in my own topic regarding new issues with the 2.1.6 update for some:
So I finished a new PC build yesterday, same parts, same memory, same install as my own system. Figured it was a good base to see if the problems also came up on the new PC, so logged in to steam, downloaded and installed wrc , and voila! No issues at all.
This means the update through steam, and or a fresh install on steam does not solve this issue(on my own PC: did the update, game stopped working,reinstalled wrc, still not working). a complete new windows install was needed with fresh memory and with new wrc install fixes my reported issues.
im no expert, but this sounds like a easy fix now for you guys at ea or tip for you guys, release a new wrc25 expansion as a standalone game, seems like every tweak you make to the existing game only makes things worse for us.
Ofcourse this is not a solution, and a very disastrous work around to get this game working, luckily I only use this pc for simulation and a complete new reinstall is fast for me, but this is complete *, there was a other possible temporary solution posted in my own topic, which consist of unplugging all usb devices, start the game , and reconnect all devices after, have not tried this as the game is now working for me again. But I feel like next patch or dlc will definitely screw things up again.
- 3 months ago
well I spoke to soon, turned my pc on to get in the simulator and drive some stages, again same screen, anti cheat error, see picture.
- 3 months ago
Well, The usb method got me in the game again
- 3 months ago
For those who, after an update, experience a crash when starting the EA WRC game
You have to go to steam library / steam apps / common / EA WRC / Engine / Binaries / Third party
And modify the file which has the name OPENXR
(you add anything afterwards)
Band of EA clowns... - 3 months ago
@herve069 wrote:For those who, after an update, experience a crash when starting the EA WRC game
You have to go to steam library / steam apps / common / EA WRC / Engine / Binaries / Third party
And modify the file which has the name OPENXR
(you add anything afterwards)
Band of EA clowns...
Sorry modify what? Just change the file name or edit the file content? - 3 months ago
modify what in that rename it or what? i still have that EA Anitcheat wont start så game wont start i tryed everyting
- 3 months ago
Simply rename the folder
- 3 months ago
Good morning,
My problem is that the game starts, but it closes during the introduction window. I have resolved it in the following way:
go to the following path -> SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\EA SPORTS WRC\Engine\Plugins
There, you will see two folders: Runtime and Wwise.
Rename the Wwise folder; for example, I named it "Wwise-PROBLEM", and the game now opens without any issues.
I hope this can be of help to you.
- alphaAT023 months agoSeasoned Novice
- 2 months ago
problem solved for me, but more by chance: harddrive was overflowing and played up a little, so needed to install a new ssd, wiped everything steam and/or EA related off the old harddrive and the C: drive, put it all on the new drive, works! The so called "customer service" here is beyond sad, I would have never gone to such drastic measures if I didn't have to anyway, so having the game back is none of EAs credit, just pure coincidence.
- 2 months ago
Interesting there seems to be no common fix ...
renaming the wwise folder doesn't work for me - I sitll need to delete the ushaderprecache files, but as we know this didn't solve it for others. - 2 months ago
I bought the game a few days ago and after the EA Game introvideo an warningtext it crashed all the time no matter what I tried. EA Support was useless.
But now i found a solutiuon to get it running at least.
I have the EA app, select WRC 24 -> mange -> View properties -> in advanced launch options type -dx11 and the save. Forcing it to DirectX 11 works for me. I don't know the differens in the graphics between dx11 an dx12 since it doesen't work with dx12 for me.
- 2 months ago
Unfortunately I still experience the issue where it just closes after the initial ea window with the loading bar. I have tried all the fixes from this thread and nothing helped me. The only think i haven't done yet is a complete windows reinstall which is just not possible at this stage.. I talked with 2 support people and 1 directed me to the steam support for help LMAO foreal.
- 2 months ago
Hi, I am playing the game using EA play . I have tried all the solutions described by different people and unfortunately didn't work. I aa facing the same issue, game is showing the splash screen and nothing happens.
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