2 years ago
WRC Steam Not Launch
Bought the game today on Steam. Bought from Steam. Game installed. I click on start game on steam. The green button turns blue for 5-8secondds then it goes back to start. It's like the game launc...
Result from today chat with EA:
Apologies for the issue you are facing as i see that the case is already reported to the game team to investigate and fix the issue, and few player already facing the same issue and we already reported that to the dedicate team i request you to please wait form sometime
Hopefully it will fix in next some days i will share to the game team to investigate and fix this asap.
information will be published on: https://twitter.com/EASPORTSWRC
I got same problem. I update windows with newest updates and restart pc and that fixed my problem.
I did this a lot of times also downloading optional of windows update and restart and nothing changes, game don´t load.
i got this weird bug, when i finaly get into game, right before crashing again. But then i download latest windows updates and restart game. Crash lead to event 13 or event 0.