i opened an apex pack and got heirloom shards and just about freaked out cause ive spent thousands of hours and hundreds of dollars across main acccounts and alt accounts and when i go to the shop i got closed out of the game and when i logged back in it said i couldnt access my account and then i deleted and redownloaded the game. When i opened it again i got in and my rank was reset? It is fixed now but this is the first time ive opened apex since then. When i go to the shop i thought oh yeah i got my heirloom lets go buy something, i had no heirloom shards but i still had the one pack i opened so i opened it and did not get heirloom shards? What happened with my heirloom shards can i get them back please this would be huge for me i dont want to spend more money?
Apex heirloom shards
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