Diamond Batch of Season 12 were lost by Cross-progression
I contacted EA Help and was told to describe the problem here. I am an engineer myself, so I understand the complexity of the situation. I will describe the problem in as much detail as possible and I hope you will do your best to solve the problem.
When I cross-progressed, the holospray and weapon charms were retained, but only the batch was bronze.
The situation can be seen in the attached file.
I originally played on Switch and PC Steam.
The game progressed better on Switch, and all billing, etc. was done on Switch.
buggy situation
I was online at the time of the cross-progression starting.
After updating the game on PC Steam and launching it, the cross-progression screen appeared.
At this time, the Switch had not been touched for several months and was offline also when the cross-progression was run.
And as you know, after the cross-progression was executed, all data on the account was lost. (At the time, there was a fatal bug that caused all data to disappear after executing a cross-progression.)
A patch has since been released to fix that bug, but I only played a few matches between the time I lost the data and the time it was fixed. I also played the ranks, but I think they stopped at Bronze.
And after the corrective patch, I saw that most of the data was back, but only the batch remained bronzed.
What I found a little odd was that when I lost my diabatch, the Season 12 batch showed up in bronze and with a lock mark.
This lock mark, as you know, indicates that the batch has not yet been acquired in the first place and cannot be equipped, but for some reason, when I clicked on it, I was able to equip it.
Furthermore, once equipped, the batch was displayed as diamonds.
After playing a few games, the equipment would unequip itself, but in the meantime, it behaved normally, except for the odd situation where it was wearing a locked bronze batch.
This situation continued until the unearned rank batch stopped showing up.
Currently, the lock has been removed and the batch is now earned, but it is still bronze.