Was Plat 2 then got reset to Rookie 4. Played a ranked game last night and hit plat 2 before getting off. Got into apex not long ago and somehow I got demoted to rookie 4. I checked my previous match and I was able to see that I was indeed in plat 2. I thought it was a visual bug so I started a ranked game and somehow I was in a rookie lobby. I quit the match to see if that would reset it and it didn’t. It seems there is some sort of bug that is causing this issue to occur since I’ve seen a lot of people with the same issue today.
Rank Reset Bug
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- N1co9996663 days agoNew Spectator
- iN4styy3 days agoNew Spectator
Yea same to me
- snoonline3 days agoSeasoned Rookie
Same, happened just now that the server log in bug got sorted.
- Absolute_Choppa3 days agoNew Spectator
Yup, I was gold 2 last time I was on. Now I’m rookie. Please fix. doubleCKchoppaaa
- xXAuggie33Xx3 days agoNew Spectator
Same issue on my end... guess no gaming pex today
- Sir_XoLenTz3 days agoNew Spectator
i just got reset also my ea name is Sir_XoLenTz
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