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- GoFutYourself882 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
This has also happened to me. Not very happy that I spent 500k coins on a broken evo
- FKEAFC2 days agoNew Spectator
me too
- FKEAFC2 days agoNew Spectator
I think it might be EA sets 12 ps limit,but this isak has 13
- lifeifeifeifeio2 days agoRising Spectator
I have exactly the same situation.
- sniperfootballte2 days agoNew Spectator
me too😭
- mdfaizann2 days agoRising Spectator
I think ps limit and ps+ limit are different.
- FKEAFC2 days agoNew Spectator
But that's the most likely reason
- mdfaizann2 days agoRising Spectator
yeah. Seems like it's just lazy programming. These are simple edge cases that should have been part of the unit tests.
- lifeifeifeifeio2 days agoRising Spectator
How long will ea fix these kind of problems usually
- crimetime20242 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
I have the exact same issue with isak need a fix badly
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