
MapleSimmer's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 months ago
Under Investigation

Aspirations Default to First One When Looking or Switching

Since the January 14 game update, when I pull up the aspiration menu, either to check what's on the next tier of the current aspiration or to swap aspirations, the aspiration panel defaults to the very first one (Animal if you have Cats and Dogs, otherwise the Athletic category. 

Note if I try in a save* that's never been played with base game (and the Jan 16 kits) it stays on the current aspiration.(*it was a base game only save I'd created before the update to test something previously but had never saved apart from the default save when it's set up). It also works fine if I enable all packs except Home Chef Hustle (I disabled packs using James Turner's site).

However, when I disabled all packs (except the kits released Jan 16), and try in a save I'd played in previously, when you pull up the aspiration menu it also defaults to the first aspiration (in this case the athletic one). 

I attach two screenshots. The first one is where the aspiration defaults to after the update. The second one is where it should default to (the same aspiration that the sim is on, in both examples, it is the cooking aspiration as I tested with the same sim both with and without packs disabled).

Note that I play on Windows, game version is PC: 1.112.481.1030 DX 11 & in English, my mods folder is out, cache has been deleted and I repaired my game after the update (and after installing the new kits).  I do have all the packs, but as indicated, tested both with all the packs, with all (but the latest kits) disabled, and gradually adding packs back in. 

Best regards,


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