
Loeezz6's avatar
New Spectator
3 days ago
Under Investigation

[BH] Can’t open small business

When i try to click on open small business it doesn’t do anything. And i don’t have any mods installed.

Edit By Crinrict: Added pack tag to title.

EDIT by crinrict.

this is potentially related to former r-rentals. Please add the following info when posting

  • Did you build the small business yourself from scratch or download something from the gallery ?
  • Did you build the small business on a lot that used to be a residential rental at some point ?
  • Is this for a small business venue or a residential with small business ?
  • Do you have multiple lots for the business ?
  • Do you have other businesses in the household ?


  • Same thing is happening to me. It only happens when the business is a completely separate lot from the sims home. 
    Already answered the questions in my own thread about it, but I will answer them here as well: 

    1. I downloaded my lot from the gallery 
    2. No, I never had a residential rental on that lot. This lot is in Magnolia Promenade, so the only thing that was there before was a retail store 
    3. This lot is only a small business venue, not residential. 
    4. Only one lot for the business 
    5. No other businesses in household 


  • missnickkie's avatar
    New Traveler
    3 days ago

    Having the same issue,

    Yes I deleted localthumbcache file

    Small business only, new build not downloaded from the gallery. It was generic prior to being renamed as a small business venue

    Did not try with premade. I DID however open an old save that I only use as a test file  so I havent used it in months. I didnt have a single issue. Business opened just fine and it was a build that was already on the lot that I build more than a year ago. So im going to try to see if there is an issue with the lot or if it's the save file itself. 

  • crinrict's avatar
    3 days ago

    Could any of you with this issue try this:

    • Close the game
    • Rename Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4 to Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4_Old
    • Repair the game
    • Start the game. All your content will be gone now as the game created a new folder. All your saves/.. is still in the old folder so not to worry. 
    • Start a new save game
    • Check if you still have the error
    • Report back with your results for further steps on how to get your stuff back.


    When posting please state your platform and if you are using mods (Never, Removed, Mods and/or CC)


    For those having this issue, has the lot you use been a residential rental in the past ?

  • Loeezz6 Did you delete the localthumbcache file after removing your mods ?

    Is this a residential business or a small business lot ?

    If you play with one of the premandes, does it work ?

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