
therhythmicbabe's avatar
Rising Adventurer
4 months ago

Bicycles not returning to sims inventorys, coffee cups and festivals left out

Playing on PC, latest update, new game downloaded. 

All packs except Journey to Batuu and some kits. No cc, only TM mod for broken clubs used occasionally.

Unable to go home from lot without travelling.



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    Could you describe a bit more what you are seeing with the bikes ? Are those NPCs leaving them all over the place or your active Sim ?

    For the festivals please use this thread: Overlapping festivals | EA Forums - 4969029 

    Litter currently only has a thread at AHQ:  San Myshuno full of Litter

    That said, the issues are probably connected.

    Did you build any residential rentals in Brichester (although Dorms might also cause the issues)

  • therhythmicbabe's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    4 months ago

    Hi Crinrict

    No, no residential in Britechester. It's NPcs and my played, but not current household sims.

    They leave them everywhere,  not just Britechester. Mainly at exit points when travelling to other worlds. The frustrating thing about everything that is left is you cannot interact with any of it to destroy,  remove them. I have ridden bikes to lots to delete before, used spell casters, set as head and walked to a lot etc.

    Same with the festivals, the only other strange thing is if I arrive at any lot, say for instance thrift tea,  all the events pop up once. Even if it's not time.



  • From your description I take it that the bike issue has been always been happening since they introduced them or has it just gotten especially bad since the patch the festivals totally broke ?

    There's a few stuck bikes threads at AHQ but nothing this bad.

    Best to keep the festivals to the thread linked above.

  • therhythmicbabe's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    4 months ago

    I have had the bike issue in the distant past but it got fixed in a patch after a whole. Yes, at the moment it's really bad, worse than last time, and since the overlapping festivals stated. The last bike issue I cleared up by riding them on to a lot and deleting them. No chance now.

  • therhythmicbabe's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    4 months ago

    Yes yes, thank you I will follow these. I'm starting another save and transferring all my lots over. I'm not encountering any problems yat. I've lost the relationships of family but it's a small sacrifice. It isn't related to residential rentals. More to do with events as far as I can see. Definitely got much much worse after life and death.

  • From what I see, it's all lot types that have some kind of multi family thing and dorms seem to be part of that. So it's basically Appartements, R-rentals and dorms.

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