
MaxwellGame's avatar
New Spectator
3 months ago

Bowling alley - Unable to save

When you add a bowling alley to any lot, the entire save will lose functionality in build mode, making it impossible to build new homes and businesses. Bowling alleys break the entire game.

Quando se adiciona uma pista de Boliche em qualquer lote, o save inteiro perde a funcionalidade no modo construção, impossibilitando a construção de casas e comércios. As pistas de boliche danifica o save inteiro.


  • Status changed:

    Could you give some more details what happens ? You chose crashing as tag so your game crashes to the desktop after you added bowling alley ?

    How is it impossible to build new homes ?

    Have you tested this on multiple saves ?

  • It might be a problem with the specific lot or lots that you are trying to add. 

    I just added the Oasis Springs Dust Bowl between Nookstone and Agave Abode. That's the bowling alley that came with the Bowling Night stuff pack. Build and Buy mode still seem to be okay for me. 

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