
BlueTigress1886's avatar
New Spectator
3 hours ago

Build Mode freeze

Since the last update when i go into build mode I am able to build a little until it just stops laying down what i want. For example i build a wall without problems. I go to build a second wall and it shows the green line, the wall cursor, and everything looks good but when i hit X the wall doesnt appear. This starts happening even after ive built a full room. When this starts happening i can no longer make any changes in build mode. I can't place items or build structures. 

The issue after this is when i try to go back to live mode the game is frozen. Literally stuck on pause. I can move the cursor around and i can bring up the game options menu but everything else is paused even after i click on the ultra speed arrow. I am unable to Save game and leave as well. I am forced to close application and get back in the game and start from the original position of my sim. 

I hope this makes sense. Thank you. 



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