After I place one item the next item I select won't place, it flips back to where it was previously, or is carries around by my mouse indefinitely. I found by clicking a different tool across the top...
Can't make changes to build
10 days agoNew Rookie
Me too! I'm trying to renovate a lounge as a decorator and I can use the sledgehammer once. If I try using it again on a different object, nothing happens. I have to alternate between selecting an item, clicking on delete, and then using the sledgehammer tool to remove every piece of furniture and wall.
Afterwards, when I try repainting the walls like I normally would, nothing was happening! The wall paint didn't change at all. I tried repainting one by one and it still didn't work.
No mods, on Windows 10 PC, cleared cache, repaired the game. It was fine yesterday too.
About The Sims 4 Bug Reports
Report bugs for The Sims 4 on PC, Mac, Playstation, and Xbox.Latest Activity: 21 hours ago