whenever i try to get into cas it is just stuck at the loading screen, i saw someone else say it was happening to them and they removed the multiple columns mods and it worked after, i removed the mo...
cas not opening since new update
8 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
omg!! literally having the same issue! I repaired my game multiple times, updated and cleaned/ oragnized my cc and its still not working :(
- bs4qv67pwcrr8 months agoNew Spectator
I litreally have the same issue!!I just spent 3 hours cleaning,organizing and updating but nothing worked beacause whenever I try to open the cas I am stick on the loading screen.Also when I go and start a new game a white screen apears on my screen and I canot restart the game so I restart my computer.😭
- 197c893fe03ee65a8 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
don't restart your PC. Ctrl + Alt + Del and then close your game ;)
- MiachanSapphire8 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
for me the CTRL+ALT+DEL didn't work i had to literally restart my pc :(
- taseber20138 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
I got as far as main screen and I as well can’t start a new game or anything and get a white screen. It won’t load. I have to use task manager to get out of the game. I hope enough complaints gets the issues fixed soon.
- MnMCraft8 months agoNew Spectator
I spend a lot of time trying to fix this game more than I play it. I can’t play without mods. 😭
- 169n5qc07d1y8 months agoNew Spectator
same idk why
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