whenever i try to get into cas it is just stuck at the loading screen, i saw someone else say it was happening to them and they removed the multiple columns mods and it worked after, i removed the mo...
cas not opening since new update
8 months agoSeasoned Scout
It is definitely not the CC or the mods, it's the update, updates usually originate a mess for a short while.
8 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
It is indeed the CC or mods, cause it works without any mods. I’m trying to comb through my mods folder. I can confirm that the script mods are not the cause of the cas bug, it’s a cc, but I haven’t found it yet.
- NeutrinaEditora8 months agoSeasoned Scout
I don't use cc or mods in my game. Still is not loading CAS since the second update.
- AmandaCurtin8 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
I'm with you. While I do have cc and mods. I don't have any that are causing problems. I went through and did all the "fixes" that were suggested etc. My CAS doesn't work, no matter what. Even when I tried to play without the mods on, it was SCREWY. Nothing in the CAS looked right and it was hard as hell to navigate.
It's definitely NOT any cc or mods causing it. Maybe it was the case for a FEW people, but the majority of us still can't play the game with or without cc/mods. So that makes no sense to me at this point.
- youcallmehero8 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
I tried removing all my mods and the game stopped working entirely for awhile. When I finally got access again after that, CAS still wouldn’t work. It isn’t the mods for me.
- gatobesoo7 months agoRising Newcomer
it's not mods i've tried opening cas without any mods deactivated and empty mod folder but it just wont load :/ the update must have a problem
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