whenever i try to get into cas it is just stuck at the loading screen, i saw someone else say it was happening to them and they removed the multiple columns mods and it worked after, i removed the mo...
cas not opening since new update
7 months agoNew Spectator
i have the same problem. i want to start a new game and when i do, the screen goes white and the game can’t load. not only that, but some icons in my ui are all messed up, the close button is now just a blank square that turns into a blank circle when i hover over it. the filters on the left in the gallery also have messed up toggle icons, some of them have just turned into gray squares. i repaired the game multiple times, it didn’t work. i ran better exceptions and removed the mods that allegedly messed up my game, but it was still broken. i ran better exceptions again, and it didn’t detect anything. i can’t even close the game normally, i have to use task manager. i’ll try deleting the mods that people are mentioning here, and i’ll report back.
- puchavik7 months agoNew Spectator
okay guys, i have removed the more traits and more columns mods, and my game works perfectly again.
- puchavik7 months agoNew Spectator
the icons are all in tact now, and cas works better than ever. i was really nervous that i would have to brush through all of my 4k mods, but thanks to the people here, i’m super relieved.
- theduckisnumber17 months agoNew Spectator
Thank you SO MUCH for this suggestion - just deleted more columns and the game works great again!
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Report bugs for The Sims 4 on PC, Mac, Playstation, and Xbox.Latest Activity: 4 months ago