whenever i try to get into cas it is just stuck at the loading screen, i saw someone else say it was happening to them and they removed the multiple columns mods and it worked after, i removed the mod, repaired the game and retared it multiple times and its still not working and just on the loading screen, is there anything else i can do to try to fix it?
cas not opening since new update
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- Miataplay7 months agoSeasoned Ace
Have you tried removing the sim(s) or household that you were playing in the current save after you patched your game and then play a new household without cc or mods?
That worked for me. I was able to add my cc and mods back once I tested the household and I have no issues using CAS now. I'm not sure if this is a fix.
- chloromi_kshn7 months agoNew Spectator
i had the same issue but when i removed the more traits in cas mod then it started working again! such a shame tho cuz i love that mod🥲
- Asher_xeee7 months agoNew Spectator
Yea same, I have been trying to get into cas after the update and it just gets stuck on the loading screen, I’ve tried everything!
- simsister7 months agoSeasoned Ace
I don't have any of those mods, and my game is doing the same. Furthermore I get a postbox message every time I go in my family, that they need to pay rent, and the rent is 0.
- rosieshadows7 months agoNew Spectator
Same - I can't get CAS to open... I was going to ignore and play around, but now everyone in my household has the same name for some reason?? Idk it's too confusing to play like that for me so I guess I'll wait until EA fixes the issue... I even tried deleting my MODs and repairing the game; didn't work.
- galacticstrwbrry7 months agoNew Spectator
Other than the UI Cheats and More Cas Columns, if you have the More Traits in Cas mod, that should be doing it! It's been updated now though! I slowly added back trait mods by Kuotte, KiaraSims4Mods, marlynsims, and mercuryfoam, and none of them caused this issue! So just those three mods need updated, don't cut out all your trait mods like I did hah!
- MiachanSapphire7 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
for me the CTRL+ALT+DEL didn't work i had to literally restart my pc :(
- Dipwad_Omega7 months agoRising Novice
Just EA being EA. All of these people have the same game-breaking issues because EA decided to add a bunch of random unnecessary patches, and they probably don't even care. It probably won't get fixed for AT LEAST a month. I'd love it if they would prove me wrong, but knowing EA, I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Today is my birthday and I was going to ask someone to buy me a new expansion pack as a gift, but now I don't even want to bother since I know the game is broken and probably won't work correctly anyway. So sad that this is even something we have to worry about in the first place, especially with a company this big. It's pathetic. So emotionally exhausting 😮💨
- WaygateMatrix7 months agoNew Spectator
Next time try CTRL SHIFT ESC, brings up task manager, hard close Sims 4.
- AmandaCurtin7 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
I'm with you. While I do have cc and mods. I don't have any that are causing problems. I went through and did all the "fixes" that were suggested etc. My CAS doesn't work, no matter what. Even when I tried to play without the mods on, it was SCREWY. Nothing in the CAS looked right and it was hard as hell to navigate.
It's definitely NOT any cc or mods causing it. Maybe it was the case for a FEW people, but the majority of us still can't play the game with or without cc/mods. So that makes no sense to me at this point.
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